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Engineering Vs. Medicine Have been the conventional choices of students, thanks to the many opportunities and immense job prospects that these streams hold. According to Aakash Chaudhry it is vital that aspirants introspect, listen to their inner voice and analyse both the streams carefully in order to take the right decision.
Acing Class X is one of the initial quantum leaps that a student takes in his career, but it is after cracking the exam that the real predicament begins. With a variety of subjects available, it becomes extremely difficult to zero in on a particular discipline. Medical vs Engineering being the most popular streams, aspirants usually face the dilemma of which of these realms to go into. This is a crucial decision that can make or break a student’s professional course.
Section 1: What is Engineering?
Engineering as a subject carries no defined career options. The subjects available in Engineering such as Computer Science, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering, make it a multi-faceted area. One may get a chance to work as a software engineer, an electronics engineer, a mechanical engineer, a civil engineer, an electrical engineer or an industrial designer etc.
What to watch out for in the Engineering stream
Experience and Expertise
A candidate with an extensive and varied exposure in a broad field can carry an edge over others. With diverse experiences one can easily spot hidden opportunities and gain competency over the others.
What is Medicine?
Medical streams comprise of the following: Physiotherapy, Biotechnology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Medical Technology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pathology, Chemistry, Bioengineering, Applied Psychology, Forensic Science, Pathology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Nursing, Community Health, Endocrinology, Zoology, Microbiology, Orthopedic Surgery, Dentistry, Gynecology and Gynaecology.
What is Engineering?
Engineering streams include: Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Business Studies, Mathematics, and Physics.
Pros and Cons of Engineering
There are innumerable positives and negatives associated with a candidate opting for a career in engineering. On the one hand it holds a plethora of career prospects such as jobs with the top multinational companies. On the other hand it provides a diverse set of engineering courses such as mechanical, civil, electrical, electronics and mathematics which makes it more progressive. Nevertheless, if one is concerned about their career graph, then it is better to opt for a discipline that offers a suitable prospect in terms of career and is a comparatively lesser pressure.
Cons of Engineering
Many engineers who did not get good marks in their class X exams are discouraged from joining engineering in the first place.
Pros and Cons of Medicine
In comparison to engineering, medicine is a rigorous degree, in terms of quantity of course work. After completing a few years of medical school, a student typically has to go through a residency programme for several years, after which they can either work in a research hospital or can join a hospital as a faculty member.
However, despite these attractive perks, it is not a cake walk. For example, it is hard for students to find a job even after completing their residency. Also, most people who pursue medicine initially are not aware of the many employment opportunities that are associated with this field.
Which One Is Best For You?
Students’ misconception about the similarities and differences between engineering and medicine is that engineering is about building stuff while medicine is about healing. While this might be true in some regards, in most cases, the two fields are drastically different from each other. You cannot get a degree in engineering and also jump into medical course at the same time. While most popular engineering colleges are teaching medical courses, the only way to pursue a degree in engineering is to qualify the medical entrance exam and secure a seat in a well-known engineering college. It is advisable that you research a little before making any decision.
Some of the misconceptions around both the fields can be summed up as, “’If you have a heart, you cannot become a doctor.
If you want to be an Entrepreneur, then go for Engineering
If you want to be an architect, then go for medicine
If you are looking to become a corporate leader, then go for engineering
While class X is one of the most crucial steps for any aspirant, the same process is followed for every student that makes it to the eleventh grade. With so many streams available, it becomes extremely difficult to analyse them and figure out which discipline is right for you.
In such a scenario, it becomes crucial to introspect the various career options available to you. One of the most important and critical junctures for a student is the selection of a stream.
Engineering vs Medicine Reddit
It is essential that an aspirant learns and competes in as many career fields as possible in order to understand how each discipline functions, while keeping the other in the background. This also helps them understand how the two actually relate to each other, thereby making them better equipped to choose the right career path. This is why we asked four students from Aakash Chaudhry’s Master’s course (Civil Engineering), Nandini Raghavan (Dentistry) Vinayak Pansare (Computer Engineering), and Vanshika Khandelwal (Medicine) which of the two streams is better suited for them.
Dr. Vinayak Pansare, Aakash Chaudhry’s Classmate
I really wish that I had studied the medical stream, but that is not the case. I wish I had picked up engineering instead of dentistry.
If you Want to Serve Humanity, then go for Medicine
Why medical stream?
Medical stream is for those who aspire to make a career in the field of medicine. The career prospects in this field are numerous, as this is a premier choice.
Medical stream is also the most lucrative of all, as apart from job security, medical professionals also earn good salaries, which go up to Rs 1 lakh per month.
One of the key things that draws students towards this stream is that it is relatively easier to make a career out of in comparison to engineering.
Medical professionals are always expected to work, as they are part of the medical fraternity. Therefore, a huge number of doctors also join the field after completing their education and hence a good doctor has a good career in this field.
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