
15 Secrets to Sell Clothes Online in 2024

How to Sell Clothes Online  – It can be hard to find the right clothes to wear. Whether you’re starting out or you’re an experienced shopper, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s where online shopping comes in. Shopping online can be a great way to find clothes that fit your style and budget. Plus, there are many different types of clothes available, so you can find the perfect piece of clothing for any occasion.

If you’re looking to sell clothes online, there are a few key things you need to know. first, it’s important to choose the right clothing store. second, make sure you have a good website. third, make sure your clothes are of good quality and that your prices are fair. And finally, make sure you market your clothing correctly – by using the right keywords and tactics.

or if you’re just starting out, this guide is for you! In this guide, we’ll take a look at the different steps necessary to sell clothes online. We’ll also cover some of the most common mistakes that beginners make when selling clothes online. So don’t wait – start selling clothes today and see the fruits of your labor!


How to Sell Clothes Online: A Beginners Guide.

Do you want to sell clothes online but don’t know where to start? We’ve got the answer for you! In this article, we’ll discuss the basics of selling clothes online. We’ll cover everything from creating an account and setting up your shipping information to ensuring your clothes are delivered on time and in perfect condition. We’ll also discuss how to make sure your clothes are sold at a profit and what factors to consider when buying clothes online.

How does my clothing be sold?

Your clothes are sold through a number of different channels. You can sell your clothes through online stores, physical stores, or both. Online stores allow you to sell your products directly to customers in the United States and many other countries. You can also sell through eBay, Amazon, and other online marketplaces. Physical stores allow you to sell your clothing in brick-and-mortar locations. You’ll need to set up an account with a store and find out the necessary information about shipping your clothes. You can also find out about discounts and deals when you buy clothes online.

1. ASOS Marketplace

Did that vintage dress seem like a great idea in the store but not so much when you got it home? Put it on ASOS Marketplace and sell it! The only catch is that ASOS takes a 10% commission on the sale price. Instead of focusing on designer goods, the seller-driven resale emporium features edgy used and retro fashion, functioning like your very own thrift store. You can find pretty much anything—we scored a Pucci-inspired vintage minidress for $47!


2. Etsy

Tap into Etsy’s community of artisans and sell your finely curated collection of vintage (or handmade!) styles. Seller fees are on the lower side of the spectrum: Etsy charges a 3.5 percent transaction fee and a 3% payment processing fee (and only 20 cents to list an item). With more than 1.7 million sellers on Etsy, you’ll be in good company.

3. eBay

OK, so this one’s no secret for girls wanting to score some designer clothes on the cheap—eBay pretty much paved the way for every at-home vendor. The upside of selling your stuff here—especially if it’s part of a designer collab—can really start the bidding wars. On the other hand, if you’re trying to buy, there’s usually no shortage of selection, but navigating between Cuisinarts and lawn mowers (as well as helplessly watching the price shoot up every second) can be seriously frustrating.

4. Poshmark

“We made an early decision to allow everything to be done over the phone without going to a website,” says Manish Chandra, CEO and founder of Poshmark. “When selling from your closet, start by listing 5-10 items. We’ve found that closets with at least five listings outsell those with fewer. Look for other women like you who might be interested in your closet. Whether you share favorite brands or the same size, you’ll want to follow them, start interacting with them, and shop in their closet!”

Poshmark includes all kinds of brands, from Brandy Melville to Céline, so it’s important to personalize your presence. “In a way, women are editorializing their style, creating a magazine out of their wardrobe,” says Manish. Each woman sets her own price on each item. When a buyer purchases the item, Poshmark emails you a prepaid shipping label (buyer pays shipping) and you simply print it, stick it on any box, and the mail carrier picks it up.”

5. The RealReal

Sellers keep up to 85% of the sale price, and good quality items will usually sell within three days, so if you need money quick and happen to have some pieces laying around, this is the spot for you. In addition to clothing, shoes, and accessories, The RealReal will also accept fine jewelry, home decor, and even fine art. You can send in your items via USPS, or schedule a free in-home pickup in select metropolitan areas.

6. Refashioner

Refashioner is an indie girl’s dream, featuring “more avant-garde designers and interesting pieces of all sorts—it’s not all fancy,” says founder Kate Sekules. The site also tries to keep things advantageous for both buyer and seller, so if you’ve been hanging on to an ultra-unique piece, this might be the place to sell it. “It’s hard to let go of the good stuff,” says Sekules. Plus, if you’re in the Big Apple, the site’s into doing events, so definitely keep an eye out for their next sartorial shindig.

7. ThredUP

Selling’s super-easy with ThredUP. They send a “clean out kit” (a.k.a. an empty bag) so all you need to do is fill ‘er up and leave it out for the mailman (it ships back free!), and they’ll take it from there. The convenience means that sellers take a lower cut, earning a maximum of 80% of the resale price, but the no-fuss process makes it super easy for busy girls. ThredUP’s biggest selling point for buyers is the huge inventory. They list more than 5,000 items each day including a rad handbag section that just launched yesterday.

8. LePrix

The best thing about LePrix (formerly called SnobSwap) is its swap feature. Rather than buying or selling, you’re able to just trade one item for another. “You can buy a gorge Topshop dress for $20 that would retail closer to $80, or swap your cute Nasty Gal skirt for an awesome Zara jumpsuit,” say founders Elise Whang and Emily Dang. It’s a great idea, because with most sites, buying at ridiculously low prices often means sellers take a big hit on what they’re sending in. Swapping not your thing? You can still buy and sell traditionally—and even bargain with the seller to knock a little off the price.

9. Crossroads Trading

Crossroads Trading has physical locations all over the United States where you can bring in your secondhand designer goods. Instead of lugging in a huge bag of clothes, you can now request a bag with a prepaid shipping label and you can simply mail them in. Crossroads offers 50% payout of the sales price as store credit, or 30% of the sales price as straight cash back. Crossroads looks for “name-brand, on-trend” clothing in good condition, and while their tastes are discerning, it’s worth sending in your clothes for the ease. Whatever clothes don’t pass muster for Crossroads sales will be sent back to you, or can be donated to charity for a small fee.

10. Tradesy

Brand-name handbags do exceedingly well on Tradesy, according to the company’s CEO and founder Tracy DiNunzio. So, if you have a closet full of purses that are no longer in use, Tradesy might be your saving grace. Tradesy charges a flat commission fee of $7.50 for any item under $50 and 19.8% for anything over $50. In addition to handbags, you can sell everything from shoes to clothing to wedding dresses.

11. Mosh Posh

Mosh Posh bills itself as “designer consignment.” Mosh Posh sells only the finest, high-end goods, including Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Kate Spade, Louis Vuitton and the like. If you have a Tiffany & Co. bracelet or Chanel clutch just laying around, this might be the best shop to sell with. And, if you live in Florida, you can go directly to their storefront in Tampa.

12. Mercari

The Mercari app allows sellers to sell clothing by uploading pictures and listing their clothes, shoes and accessories at whatever price they like. Whatever sells is subject to a flat 10% fee. In addition to apparel, you can sell other items. From cell phone cases to Fitbits to soccer gear, you can sell just about anything on Mercari. The app is intuitive and easy to use.

13. Facebook Marketplace

If you’re on Facebook all the time anyway, selling on Facebook Marketplace makes a lot of sense. Not only are there no seller fees or taxes involved, you can easily share your listing to your network. You never know who might be interested in gently-used denim or a once-worn prom dress!

14. Buffalo Exchange

In addition to accepting clothing trade-ins at their stores, Buffalo Exchange also has an sell-by-mail program. Upon request, they will send you a prepaid shipping bag that fits up to 40 pieces of clothing. They will email you with an update of what they’re able to purchase, at which point you can choose between a store credit, check, or PayPal payment. If you take a check/PayPal payment, you will be offered 30% of the item’s selling price. If you take a store credit, you will receive 50%. For reference, they’re interested in men’s or women’s designer clothing in like-new condition.

15. Rebag

As the name suggests, Rebag is an online store dedicated solely to selling handbags. They’re interested in designer items, and their featured brands include Balenciaga, Tom Ford, Versace, Givenchy, and the like. If you have a designer bag like this that you’ll willing to part ways with, all you have to do is submit a few snaps of the bag on their site. Within two business days, they’ll email you a quote. If you accept, they’ll provide a prepaid shipping label. Once Rebag receives the bag, your payment will be issued within three business days. Rebag also has physical locations in select metropolitan areas, including Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Miami, and Manhattan where you can sell your bag directly to them, no USPS required.

Pro Tips for Selling Clothes Online

Now that you know where you can sell your used clothes, here’s how to sell them. We asked the experts—professional online clothing retailers—for their top tips on selling secondhand and vintage clothing online.

  1. Choose clothes that are on-trend or from particular decade.


A Career Flex


You can sell items that either trending right now, or develop a niche (regardless of current trends). How do you find a niche? By selling similar items that are similar to one another. “You can sell items that correspond to each other. Some sellers focus on specific decades, styles, colors or type of item,” says Kristina Franco, owner of the Etsy shop Allen Company.

  1. Photograph items clearly.

“High-quality pictures are very important,” say Laura Mae and Amanda Jean, owners of the Etsy shop MaeJean Vintage. “Utilize natural light and capture the images with a quality camera.”

  1. Take specific measurements of clothing.

“It isn’t easy to convey all the lovely aspects of a garment on a computer screen,” says Lauren Naimola, owner of the Etsy shop Dear Golden. “Many people want to feel the garment and try it on, so you have to be exhaustive in the way you render the garment visually as well as describe it. Measurements are provided for every garment. A dress is measured at the shoulders, bust, waist, hip and length. Every girl should know her measurements, especially if she wants to shop online.”

  1. Provide accurate details about the condition of your items.

“Build a good reputation,” says Franco. “Accurately portray your items and be upfront and honest about the details. This is the only way to gain the trust of buyers who are already faced with the challenge of buying something they cannot try on or inspect. A good reputation goes a long way!”

  1. Keep an international audience in mind.

“Selling online allows you to reach a very wide and international audience,” says Lauren. “A lot of my business comes from awesome vintage-loving gals in Australia and the UK.”

If you’re selling clothes to a consignment boutique, you’re limited by locality and seasonality. But if you’re selling online, you can consider an international audience. For example, you might be selling a coat in the spring, when no one in the United States is really looking for coats. But someone in Argentina might want that coat because it’s becoming fall there.

  1. Prioritize customer service.

“Customer service is so important,” say Mae and Jean. “We have a very flexible return policy so that if customers are not 100% content, they are welcome to ship items back to us.”

  1. Study before you sell.

“There are many people selling vintage online, but there are only a few who are educated about garment dating and fabric composition,” says Lauren. “Learn as much as possible about vintage garments.”

How much money can I make from selling clothes online?

There is no one answer to this question. However, you can make a profit from selling clothes online by selling items that sell at high prices. For example, if you sell knitwear, you could make a lot of money by selling items that are in high demand and have high margins. Additionally, you might be able to sell clothes at a lower price and still make a profit. You also need to take into account the size of your order and the cost of shipping.


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