
5 Tips for Blind People Who Want to Go Out Alone

It might seem like it’s impossible for a blind person to go out alone. After all, you need eyes to see and not being able to see means that you can’t see anything. Obviously, going out alone would be impossible under these circumstances!

If you are one of those people who think that a blind person cannot go out alone then you are wrong. There are so many things that we as human beings take for granted on a daily basis that even the most independent of us still need assistance with at times. Going out alone is one of them, but it doesn’t have to remain this way forever. The world is filled with opportunities for anybody provided they know where to find them. Here are 5 tips for blind people who want to go out alone:

5 Tips for Blind People Who Want to Go Out Alone

5 Tips for Blind People Who Want to Go Out Alone


Are you a blind person who wants to go out alone? Then read on. It’s not impossible. There are several ways you can do that and live your life confidently, without depending on others all the time.

We understand that venturing out alone may seem like a scary proposition for most visually impaired people. That is because it poses certain risks which other people don’t need to consider as much.

However, there are many benefits of going out alone as a blind person – from reducing your dependence on others to building your confidence and independence. Let us take a deeper look at some tips for blind people who want to go out alone in this article.


Find your own path to travel

While traveling with a sighted guide is a great way to travel, it is better if you take the path that is best suited for you. While this may mean you find yourself walking slower, or taking taxis instead of public transportation, it is a much better option for you than following someone else’s path.

If you are traveling with a sighted guide, don’t be afraid to let them know what you need. Let them know if you need to slow down, or if you need to take a different route to get to your destination. The guide should be willing to meet you in the middle and accommodate you as best they can.

Take a cane with you

A cane can be a great tool for navigating new places when going out alone. Not only does it allow you to feel your way around, but it also gives others a visible cue to let them know you are blind. Having a cane with you also means that you don’t have to worry about someone else forgetting it. You are responsible for the cane, so you can make sure it’s safe and doesn’t get left behind.

This is particularly important when you take public transportation. Be sure to keep the cane with you at all times. If you need to put it down, be sure to put it in an appropriate place where no one will trip over it. If you can, try to get a cane with a wrist strap so you won’t have to worry about dropping it.

Stay in touch with your support network

While you are out by yourself, you might feel like you want to reach out to your support network. However, this might cause them unnecessary worry. If you know that you will reach out to your support network, but know that they will worry, be sure to let them know beforehand.

Let them know that you will reach out to them if you need to, but that you’re going out alone. Let them know that you will be okay, but that you will let them know if you need help. This way, they can know that you are okay, but also know that if you need help, you will reach out to them.

Ask for help when you need it

If you need help while you’re out by yourself, don’t be afraid to ask. If you’re trying to find your way to a certain place, ask for directions. If you don’t know where you are, ask for help. If you need help getting to your car, asking for help is a good idea.

If you are at a restaurant and need help ordering, don’t be afraid to ask other people for help. If you feel like you’re going to get lost, ask for directions from someone. If you need help getting somewhere, ask for help. If you feel like you’re going to get confused or disoriented, ask for help. Don’t feel like you have to do everything by yourself. Ask for help when you need it.

Check the place in advance

Before you go out by yourself, be sure to check the place beforehand. You can do this by going online to see what the place looks like, or by asking a friend who has already been there to describe it to you. If you’re going to a place that you know has stairs, be sure to check the stairwell before going to make sure it’s wide enough for you to safely get around.

If you’re going to a place that has many steps, like a museum, be sure to check the museum website to see how many steps there are and what the stairwells look like so you can plan accordingly. If you’re going to a place that has no stairs (like a movie theater), make sure you find out where the seats are so you can sit without getting disoriented.


Going out alone can be a daunting experience for anyone, particularly for people with a visual impairment. However, there are several ways you can do that and live your life confidently, without depending on others all the time. We understand that venturing out alone poses certain risks which other people don’t need to consider as much. However, there are also many benefits of going out alone as a blind person – from reducing your dependence on others to building your confidence and independence.


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