
What Eats Cockroaches

Cockroaches are disgusting insects but have you wandered what eats cockroaches. Several predators have evolved to actively seek out and eat cockroaches as their primary food source. Cockroaches are also abundant pests, which means they’re a frequent target of these predators.

Some animals even depend on cockroaches for the majority of their diet. Here is a list of 11 creatures that love eating cockroaches and why you shouldn’t worry about it.

What Eats Roaches? - AZ Animals


11 Creatures That Eat Cockroaches

There are several different species of animals that actively eat cockroaches.

Egyptian Gecko It’s true that some species of lizards eat roaches. The Egyptian sand-cockroach gecko is one such species. These lizards are native to southern Europe and the Middle East, and they’ve been found in desert regions of Spain.

When searching for food, the geckos are attracted to the strong smell of roaches. They’ve been known to eat them alive and even eat eggs. Geckos are also known to eat crickets, other roaches, and a variety of other insects, which makes them generalists.


Giant Desert Centipede The giant desert centipede is one of the largest invertebrates on the planet. Despite its name, the centipede can be found in many different regions, including Central and South America, the Middle East, and Northern Africa.

When it comes to eating, the giant desert centipede has been observed eating roaches whole. It can eat more than just roaches, though, and also feeds on other insects and small animals, such as lizards and mice. What’s more, they’ve been known to eat meat in areas where it’s available to them.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About These Animals Eating Cockroaches

As you can see, these predators have evolved to include roaches in their diet. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they prefer them. It’s more likely that they’re simply abundant and easy to find, so they happen to be a frequent target.

Some of the species on this list don’t actively seek out roaches, but they’re still known to eat them. That’s because cockroaches also tend to seek out these animals as food sources, too. Cockroaches can be extremely damaging to homes, and they’re known to spread several diseases.

As such, they’re something a lot of people want to get rid of. Unfortunately, there are a lot of ways to go about it that are incredibly harmful to the environment. That’s why you shouldn’t worry when predators consume these pests.

1. Egyptian Gecko

Egyptian Geckos are native to parts of the Middle East, and they’ve been known to eat roaches. The geckos are nocturnal, and they’re attracted to the strong scent of cockroaches. They’ve been observed eating both the roaches, as well as their eggs.

Geckos are insectivores that primarily feed on crickets and roaches. They eat both the crickets and roaches alive and have been known to eat the eggs of roaches as well. They feed at night when they are most active and move slowly.

2. Giant Desert Centipede

The giant desert centipede is native to a large swathe of land in the Middle East and Northern Africa. They’ve been observed eating roaches and have been known to eat both the roaches as well as their eggs. The giant desert centipede is a carnivorous species that feeds on a variety of animals and insects. They prefer to eat small mammals, including mice and lizards, but they also feed on insects, such as cockroaches.

3. Big-Leafed Shrew

Big-Leafed Shrews are small mammals that are native to Eurasia and Northern Africa. They’ve been known to consume roaches in addition to other insects. Big-Leafed Shrews eat a variety of different foods, including other small mammals, insects, and berries. They’ve been observed eating roaches, crickets, and other small insects.

4. Death Stalker Scorpion

Death Stalker Scorpions are found primarily in the Middle East and have been known to eat roaches. They’re primarily nocturnal and feed on a variety of insects, including roaches and other small arthropods. Death Stalker Scorpions have been observed eating both live and dead roaches. They also eat other small insects and have been known to eat small lizards, small birds, and rodents.

5. Banded Katydid

The Banded Katydid is found primarily in North America and has been known to consume roaches. They’re primarily active at night and feed on a variety of insects, including roaches and crickets. Banded Katydids eat a variety of different insects, including crickets, katydids, other grasshopper species, and roaches. They have been observed eating both insects that are alive and dead.

6. Dark Leaf-eared Katydid

The Dark Leaf-eared Katydid is found primarily in Central and South America and has been known to consume roaches. They’re primarily active at night and feed on a variety of insects, primarily crickets. Dark Leaf-eared Katydids eat a variety of different insects, including crickets, other katydid species, and roaches. They have been observed eating both live and dead insects.

7. Tiger Shovel-nosed Snake

Tiger Shovel-nosed Snakes are found primarily in the Middle East and have been known to eat roaches. They’re primarily nocturnal and feed on a variety of different arthropods, including roaches and other insects. Tiger Shovel-nosed Snakes eat a variety of different insects, including roaches, other insects, lizards, and small rodents. They have been observed eating both live and dead insects.

8. Blind snake

The Blind Snake is found primarily in Southeast Asia and has been known to consume roaches. They’re primarily nocturnal and feed on a variety of insects and small reptiles. The Blind Snake eats a variety of different insects, including roaches, other ants, termites, crickets, and beetles. They have been observed eating both live and dead insects.


Cockroaches are disgusting insects that most people would rather not see. But for some species of animals, cockroaches represent a nutritious snack. In fact, several predators have evolved over time to actively seek out and eat cockroaches as their primary food source.

These animals have been known to eat both the roaches themselves as well as their eggs. And while some people may find it repulsive, it’s important to remember that these predators need to eat, too. Cockroaches can be extremely damaging to homes, and they’re known to spread several diseases. As such, they’re something many people want to get rid of. Unfortunately, there are many ways to go about it that are incredibly harmful to the environment.


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