
Government-Run Online Courses With Certificates

You’ve probably heard of free courses and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses). These terms refer to free online courses that universities offer for anyone with an Internet connection. Many universities have joined forces to make these types of courses available at no cost. The good news? Even if you don’t want to enroll in a university you can earn an online degree without ever leaving your home, many state governments offer these kinds of programs as well. This article explains which government-run online courses you can take with valid certificates and degrees, how they are different from other forms of online education like MOOCs, and the pros and cons of doing so.

What is a government-run online course?

A government-run online course is a type of online education that is created and operated by a state’s government. These types of programs are different from private online universities, which are often called “universities.” Private universities are generally for-profit companies owned by people with a business model. Government-run online courses, by contrast, are nonprofit entities operated by a state government.

Can you earn an online degree with a government certificate?

Yes. You can usually earn an online degree with a government certificate. You can usually get an Associate’s degree from a state university with just one course and an online certificate from the same institution. For example, you can become a Certified Nursing Assistant and then get your state certified nursing assistant certificate online.


This allows you to work as an assistant in a nursing home or in other healthcare settings. Some states allow you to transfer a certificate to a four-year college or university as a general education requirement. You can also get a government-run online course certificate with just one course. This is especially helpful if you want to get a general education certificate that isn’t required by any specific job.

Government-Run Online Courses Certificates

Here are some examples of government-run online courses that have available certificates: According to the North Dakota State Department of Education, you can earn an online High School Diploma from the North Dakota Department of Education with just one course…

  • Certificate of Completion in American Sign Language, you just need to complete the ASL 101 course.
  • Certificate of Completion in Medical Assisting, you just need to complete the Medical Assisting 101 course.
  • Certificate of Completion in Medical Coding, you just need to complete the Medical Coding 101 course.
  • Senior Services Certificate, you just need to complete the Senior Services 101 course.

Government-Run Online Courses With Certificates

How Are Government-Run Online Courses Different From MOOCs?

The main difference between government-run online courses and massive open online courses (MOOCs) is that government-run online courses offer a traditional classroom experience with professors who teach you in a classroom and grade your assignments like you would in a traditional classroom.


Other than that, most people consider the following similarities between government-run online courses and MOOCs: Both are online, free, and open to anyone with an Internet connection. And both are designed to help you earn an online degree without actually having to leave your house.

The Procedures of Going with a Degree

– No Online Student Loans – The main pro of earning a degree or a certificate from a state university is that there are no student loans involved. With federal student loans, you have to make payments back to the government. And with private student loans, you have to pay interest on them.

To earn a degree or a certificate from a state university, you just have to pay the full cost of the classes or the examination fees (like CLEP or CLETA exams). No loans, no interest, no nothing. This is also true if you want to earn a degree or certificate based on a high school degree or GED.

– Complete Control Over Your Education – With a degree from a state university, you have complete control over your education. And with a certificate from a state university, you have complete control. You can decide if you want to study a subject, get a general education certificate, or just take a few courses to fulfill a requirement for a specific job.

– No Time Restrictions – Unlike MOOCs, government-run online courses have no time restrictions. In fact, you can take as many courses as you want and keep on advancing toward your goal of earning a degree or certificate.

The Conditions of Going with a Degree

– Expensive Tuition – Most state universities are expensive. For example, to get a degree from the University of Iowa costs $9,200 per year. The same thing applies to most other state universities. This price may or may not be worth it for you. If you want to earn a degree that will help further your career and give you a better salary, then it is good to enroll in a university.

However, if you just want to get a general education certificate or take a few courses without earning a full degree, then it is much cheaper to enroll in a state-run online course.

– No Job Guarantee – There is no guarantee that a state university will grant you any jobs after you graduate with a degree from them. Although, some state universities offer job guarantee programs. But this is not the case with government-run online courses. If you get a certificate from a state university, you have proof of your education that employers can check when hiring.


If you have the money and are willing to spend it to enroll in a state university and earn a degree, then do it. You will have no regrets. For those who can’t or don’t want to afford a full-time university experience, a government-run online course is a great option. There are many certificate programs that are just as valuable and provide the same benefits as a degree program. Plus, they are much cheaper.


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