
Bagging Packaged Goods: Its Types and benefits

When you work in a grocery store, your job will involve handling and restocking thousands of items on a daily basis. This can be a challenging task for anyone, which is why many organizations have begun implementing new technologies to streamline the process.

In this blog post, we’ll explore bagging packaged goods as an example of one such technology. Bagging is typically used to refer to the process of placing products in bags before they’re placed on shelves or a checkout counter. In most cases, bagging is used when the product has a short shelf life and must be placed in an airtight bag to maintain freshness.

This blog post will cover everything you need to know about bagging packaged goods and other similar processes, including how they work and different examples of implementation within grocery stores.


Bagging Packaged Goods: The Ultimate Guide

Bagging Packaged Goods: Its Types and benefits

When you work in retail, it can feel like there’s a new trend or catchphrase popping up every other day. However, one of the most important changes to hit the industry in recent years has been the rise of e-commerce and its influence on packaged goods. While many consumers are still visiting traditional brick-and-mortar retailers to purchase their products, more and more purchases are being made online through sites like Amazon and eBay. This increase in online sales has forced traditional retailers to reevaluate how they sell their products. Whereas once everything was kept behind glass or tucked away on shelves, brands are now designing their own unique packaging that helps sets them apart from competitors. In this blog post, we’ll go over the ins and outs of bagging packaged goods as a career option — including why you might want to pursue it as a long-term career, what you can expect to earn, where you might find opportunities, and what you need to get started!

What is bagging?

When we talk about “bagging” or “baggers,” we’re referring to individuals who put product into bags for retail sale. While this might conjure images of paper or plastic grocery bags, this term applies to all types of containers: from paper and plastic bags to boxes, baskets, and gift pails. Bagging is a retail job that falls under the broader category of “counter service.” As counter service associates, baggers are responsible for gathering, organizing, and properly bagging customers’ purchases. This entails scanning the items and placing them in bags, if applicable, and then placing them on a “counter” or table where the customers can easily pick them up.


Why should you care about bagging?

Bagging is an essential part of retail that often gets overlooked. While we tend to focus on sales associates who are interacting with customers and cashiers who are scanning items, baggers are the ones who are ensuring that customers’ purchases are properly organized and accessible. Bagging enables customers to easily carry their items out of the store and prevents them from having to dig through a messy shelf to find what they’re looking for. It also gives retailers a neat-looking store and makes it easy to quickly restock shelves. Baggers also play a key role in keeping customers safe. For example, they can double check that items in boxes aren’t damaged or broken and make sure wires aren’t sticking out or loose strings aren’t hanging around.

The skills you’ll learn while bagging

Bagging is a retail job that requires you to pay close attention to detail. You’ll be responsible for scanning items, organizing them, putting them in bags if applicable, and placing them on a table so they’re easily accessible to customers. Because you’ll be dealing with people’s purchases, you’ll need to be careful not to break anything or make a mistake. While you should expect to make some mistakes during your first few shifts, you should be able to avoid major errors once you get used to the job. Bagging can also help you develop some important soft skills, such as communication and customer service. Since you’ll be interacting with customers while they make their purchases, you’ll need to become comfortable with responding to their questions and requests.

The path to becoming a professional bagger

If you’re interested in becoming a professional bagger, the first thing you should do is make sure you have the right attitude. Counter service jobs aren’t just about putting items in bags — they’re also about interacting with customers and creating an enjoyable shopping experience. If you’re interested in becoming a bagger, you should apply at your local retail store. Most retailers hire baggers on a part-time or seasonal basis, so there’s a chance you’ll find a nearby store that is hiring. Once you’re hired, you’ll need to spend time observing other employees and learning the ropes. You should be open to taking any training opportunities (such as workshops or seminars at your store) that are offered, as this will make you a better employee faster. You should also keep an eye out for opportunities to volunteer or work extra shifts, as this can help you get promoted faster.

How much do professionals earn while bagging?

Baggers earn a variety of different wages depending on where they work and the kind of shifts they’re scheduled for. Some retailers pay based on the number of items they scan, while others use a piece rate system. Bagging jobs often start out with high hourly wages, but they tend to decrease as you become more experienced. However, you can usually earn more by taking on additional responsibilities, such as doing stocking or cashiering during slower times.

Where can you find opportunities to become a pro?

We’ve talked a lot about why you might want to become a bagger and what you can expect if you get hired for the job, but what if you already have a career? Once you have some experience in your current field, you might be able to get a promotion to a counter service position. These are often available at grocery stores and other retailers where you’d be responsible for bagging customers’ purchases. If you’re interested in becoming a professional bagger, but you don’t have an obvious opportunity to switch to counter service, you can look into hiring agencies that supply baggers. Often, these agencies hire people for one-time events, such as parties or conventions, and will pay you to bag customers’ purchases. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and show employers that you’re a good fit for the job.


Bagging is a retail job that is often overlooked and underappreciated. While customers often focus on searching for the perfect item to purchase, they often don’t think about the employees who are helping them find the right product. Baggers are the behind-the-scenes workers who are responsible for putting items in bags and making sure they’re easy to pick up. While this doesn’t sound glamorous, it’s a crucial part of retail that often goes overlooked and underappreciated. If you’re interested in becoming a bagger or switching to a counter service position, now is a great time to jump into the industry. With online shopping on the rise, retailers and convention centers are always looking for extra employees.


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