
How Much Do Dental Assistants Make In Texas: Find Out the Facts!

The average salary for a Dental Assistant in Texas is $30,500 per year. This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 3,654 tax returns from TurboTax customers who reported their occupation as dental assistants. Dental Assistant salaries in Texas can vary between $17,500 to $48,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

How much do dental assistants make in Texas?

Teeth-whitening products – $11.95

Teeth-whitening products – $11.95 Fillings – $35


Fillings – $35 Cosmetic dentistry – $72 to $45

Cosmetic dentistry – $72 to $45 Dentist services – $79.36

Dental Hygiene services – $16.95


Section 2: Dental Assistant career paths in Texas.

We found that of the 3,654 tax returns where a Dental Assistant reported their occupation, about 37 percent had salaries in the range of $17,500 to $48,500, while just over 14 percent earned salaries in the range of $48,500 to $75,000. Approximately 12 percent reported salaries in the range of $75,000 to $99,000, and just under 5 percent reported salaries in the range of $100,000 to $149,000.

The Average Salary for Dental Assistants in Texas

Across the state, the dental assistant job is the second highest paying job for entry level employees. The number two position in average wages is the following:

Data source: Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Both are the same type of job and both have a total gross annual salary of about $32,000. The only difference is the tax liability. The tax brackets for dental assistants in Texas are 10% for sales, 15% for income, and 25% for self-employment. This is why it is important to get your taxes done as soon as possible.

More and More People Now Make More than $35,000 Per Year in Texas

Since 2014, there has been a slight increase in the average salary for a Dental Assistant. As of 2014, the average salary for a Dental Assistant in Texas was $30,500 per year.

We also looked at the mid-year salary averages for different occupations in Texas, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and found that dental assistants in Texas earn more than nearly every other job out there. If you’re a dental assistant in Texas, you’re not alone, and this is a good time to get started on the career ladder.

Learn More About the Average Salary of Dental Assistants in the United States

There are currently no reported health benefits for dental assistants in Texas. In order to get a reference on dental assistant benefits, you can check out my article on how to get dental insurance in Texas.

Registered Dental Assistant Salary in Texas

To see what kinds of jobs have the highest and lowest salaries in Texas, check out this article.

How Much Do Dental Assistants Make In Illinois: Find Out the Facts!

The average salary for a Dental Assistant in Illinois is $24,000 per year. This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 3,344 tax returns from TurboTax customers who reported their occupation as dental assistants. Dental Assistant salaries in Illinois can vary between $23,000 to $30,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

registered dental assistant salary in il

To see what kinds of jobs have the highest and lowest salaries in Illinois, check out this article.

What are the benefits of being a Dental Assistant?

As a Dental Assistant, you work in a wide variety of locations. You can work in a dental office, a dentist’s office, or in a dentist’s home. Working in a dental office gives you the opportunity to interact with patients on a daily basis, and your specialty skill set allows you to learn from the dentists.

Dental Assistants are also part of the front-line staff and they are extremely important in maintaining the safety of patients. Most dental offices have cleaning equipment and some dental offices have dentists that don’t perform procedures so Dental Assistants are responsible for cleaning all instruments used by dentists. Dental Assistants also measure patients’ saliva in order to get a baseline reading of their dental health. They also check patients’ teeth and gums for dental problems.

Salary based on skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips

Click here for more information about Dental Assistants

Those who hold certifications can expect to make more, while others are in need of more experience. You can learn more about each of these factors below.


American Dental Assoc. (ADA)

Association for Corporate Dentistry (ACD)

Dental Assoc. of North America (DANA)

Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)

Cosmetic Dental Assistant (CDA)

Certified General Dentist (CGP)

The American Dental Association has certification exams for some of the most important positions in dentistry. To earn a degree in dental assisting, prospective employees must earn a diploma from an accredited dental school and pass the national certification exam.


These are the facts and figures we have on the average wages for dental assistants in Texas. Make sure to compare these figures with local Dental Assistant salaries and determine what’s fair and what’s not when it comes to being a Dental Assistant. you can also check on How To Become A Dental Hygienist.

Tip: Don’t think you’re entitled to the best salary when it comes to your position, just because you’re an Assistant. Be sure to use the advice and tips from the Dental Assistant Salary calculator.


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