Dog Paws Red Between Toes: Home Remedies

Dog paws red between toes home remedies-Learn Here

Wet paws are an inevitable part of owning a dog. Even the cleanest of pet owners will experience their dog getting muddy or snow-covered at least once. The problem with wet paws is that they can smell very unpleasant.

When your dog walks through mud, his feet will immediately start to get wet and therefore smell even worse. This is why you should have him check his paws as soon as possible after he’s stepped in something dirty so that they can air out properly.

If your dog has fallen victim to paw pads that have been stained red by their daily activities, you may wonder what can be done to restore the natural color of your pup’s paws.

While paw pads that are stained red are usually harmless and will not cause any long-term damage, it is still best to get rid of this unsightly trait as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that you can try in order to remove the discoloration from your dog’s paws. Let’s take a look at some of them and see if they might be suitable for your pet’s case.

Using baking soda for red paw pads

Baking soda is a great way to reduce the red color of paw pads. Mix a half cup of baking soda with a cup of water and scrub your dog’s paws with this solution. Scrub the paws gently, being careful not to make your dog uncomfortable.

You can also use the solution as a deodorizer by mixing it with water and spraying the solution onto your dog’s bedding. You can also try using lemons. Take a small piece of the lemon, rub it gently against a rough surface (such as a stone or a piece of wood), then use it to scrub your dog’s paws.

Mix vinegar with water for red paw pad Remedy

Mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water to remove the red pigmentation from your dog’s paw pads. You can even use this solution to de-mat your pup’s paws, if necessary.

Simply wet your dog’s paws with this solution and let it sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. This is a great method for removing paw stains from dogs that have been de-matting, as it will not damage their nails.

Making a natural stain remover with essential oils

Essential oils are highly effective at removing stains and odors from your dog’s bedding, carpets, and upholstery. Mix an oil, such as grapefruit, orange, or thyme, with vodka to create a stain remover that can be used on red paw pad stains.

Simply apply this mixture to the affected area, allow it to sit for a few hours, then wash it off with a sponge or a cloth. You can also try using grapefruit oil on a cut to help heal it quickly.

Baking soda paste for red-stained paws

Baking soda paste is a great remedy for removing red stains from your dog’s paw pads. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of water and apply the paste to your dog’s paw pad.

Let it sit for about 20 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. You can also try mixing baking soda with olive oil to create a paste that can be used on a variety of stains.

Lemon juice paste

Lemon juice is a common ingredient found in a number of paw pad remedies. When stained paw pads have paw pads that have become red, you can use lemon juice to remove the discoloration and get your dog’s paws back to their natural color. Pour some lemon juice onto a cotton ball and mix it with water until you have a paste that is the consistency of toothpaste. Apply this paste on your dog’s stained paw pads, and leave it on for about 15 minutes. After that, wash it off with a damp towel. Lemon juice can be used on both dry and wet paw pads, and it is one of the most potent paw pad remedies.

Egg white ointment

Egg white ointment is another home remedy that you can use if your dog’s paw pads have stained red due to excessive activity. This is an excellent ingredient to use as a whitening agent, as it has a high concentration of protein.

To use it, simply apply a thin layer onto your dog’s paw pads, and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water. While egg white ointment is one of the most potent paw pad remedies, it is also very effective in removing stains.

on ball and mix it with water until you have a paste that is the consistency of toothpaste. Apply this paste on your dog’s stained paw pads, and leave it on for about 15 minutes.

After that, wash it off with a damp towel. Lemon juice can be used on both dry and wet paw pads, and it is one of the most potent paw pad remedies.

Coffee solution paste

Coffee is one of the most common ingredients for removing stains from your dog’s paw pads. Most dogs have a tendency to have dark brown or black patches on the pads of their paws.

To get rid of that patch and make your dog’s paws look more natural, simply mix coffee with water and apply it on the paw pads.

You can also add a couple of drops of vanilla extract if your pet is a female, as this will improve the scent. After about 15 minutes, rinse off the solution with lukewarm water and your dog’s paw pads will be back to normal.



A dog’s paw pad color does not usually change and most pups will have the same color as their mom had during their birthing process. Red paw pad stains are common and harmless, and they should not be a cause of concern.

If your dog has paw pads that have gotten stained, there are a number of home remedies that you can try to restore the natural color.

The most effective option is to mix a few cups of white vinegar with water and apply it to your dog’s paw pads. You can also try using lemons.

Take a small piece of the lemon, rub it gently against a rough surface (such as a stone or a piece of wood), then use it to scrub your dog’s paws. You can also try making a natural stain remover with essential oils and baking soda to remove the red stains from your dog’s paw pads.

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