
BREAKING NEWS: Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams in 2024/2025

New Book Reveals The Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Examinations In 2023/2024

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams

People often ask how they can make their exams the easier way without involving in malpractice. This post is definitely a must read for every Nigerian student, teacher and parent.

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams


Oftentimes, examiners set very tricky questions. Jamb of course is notorious for this. But that’s why the examination is so important. You make jamb, you’re a master of your game. But while you think you have known it all, it turns out you might be wrong. Imagine getting C6 in my WASSCE English despite answering every question correctly!  Well, I mean “correctly.”  But that’s a different case. JAMB is feared even more than WAEC. For Literature students, this new handbook might be a huge blessing. If you are offering the course or know anyone offering it in your neighborhood, whether it is next year or in 2024, then read on!


You already know, JAMB has announced that the recommended novel for its 2023/2024 literature In English examination is The Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli. The book is in the market with less than 100 pages. It would be given to you by Jamb during your registration. You could skim through it quite easily and pass your exams.  But sometimes people still don’t pass even though they have gone through the same process. They don’t  get that 400 or 300 they want. Three reasons for this are:



1.     Student Are Exhausted And Ill Prepared

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams

Reading is stressful because you have a whole lot to read when questions would be picked only from certain unknown units. You will read a hundred to get a five. Well, sometimes it’s because students are simply tired and sleepy— after all when you’re tired and sleepy what do you do?


Anyway, this post is specifically for students who will write JAMB next year. Lazy students looking for short-cut or hardworking students inundated with home chores. If you know anyone who will write the exam next year, feel free to show them this post. They might be thankful in the end.


2.              Examination malpractice answers turned out to be fake

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams

Second reason is when the expo goes. This one happens every year. Either here or there. Increasingly, desperate people — the same people who create Ponzi schemes and scam you on the internet— are making money off Nigerian students every year. You enroll with your money, you book and on the day they send you the answers. Now, apart from receiving fake answers, examination malpractice has always been bad news.

It’s  either you get caught while using your phone or during the act and instantly sacked from the exam hall or your center gets caught and the entire result of every candidate is canceled. Sometimes you write and make it with the right expo, then defending your result becomes the case. If it didn’t hit you during admission to certain universities or in yearly exams, it hits you at a job interview. In the end, you become a graduate with a good certificate and no good Job. 


3.     Jamb examiners could be very tricky!

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams

Third reason most hardworking students fail to pass their exams with top grades is because of the way the questions come. The questions come with options, objective questions. On a computer, marked by a robot. So easy to pass, so easy to fail. Imagine something like this:


Examiners target areas you think aren’t important, and even though you’ve read the book thoroughly, they still catch you unawares. Some students are too smart albeit, and others enjoy what some people call goodluck, yet, most others fall through the tricks every single year. That is why it’s so easy to make UTME and yet so easy to fail it.

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams


Every literature student sitting for next year’s JAMB exam should expect some very elusive questions from this novel titled, “The Life Changer” by  Khadija Abubakar Jalli.  Jamb examiners are gracious at asking very elusive questions, yet you will sit for Jamb in 2023 and write the exam. And a fail for literature is a fail for Law, for Mass Communication, English, Theater Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, etc. Poor you certainly do not want to disappoint your parents with a bad result.  But if you fall for the elusive exam trick Jamb examiners will set in 2023 and 2014 or get fake answers while indulging in malpractice, you will fail your exam.


Examination malpractice is certainly not something you want to engage in. If you are lucky and do not fall prey to the fake answers desperate people send you over the internet for your hard earned money, you get caught in the act and forfeit your admission into the university.  If you are lucky still, you will end up unable to defend your result during job interviews and eventually join the crowd who have good certificates and are still unemployed. As a student, you have to read and pass your exams yourself. You have all it takes within you. All you need is the right tool. All you need is to equip yourself with the right tool. You would pass literature excellently if you knew the right answer to every question they ask— both from the literature text-book and the recommended story book. But what questions are they going to ask from the books? 


Examiners don’t often tell you what they are going to ask you. So this book could be an alternative and a great assistance!

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams


According to the author, “Eventually, there’s literally no question Jamb will ask you come 2023/2024 that’s not already in this book!”

And do you ask how to make your literature exams the easier way in 2023 without malpractice? I think that book can answer the question quite well.

Exact Questions You Should Expect From JAMB Literature Exams

Get the book here! 


Read more about the book, get it for yourself, your friend, children, siblings or anyone offering literature in 2023 and 2024. They could be very appreciative. They could help you get a copy if you can’t do it! Just make sure to read the description, details, and all you need before getting a the bok!

Please help share this post everywhere, so more Jambites can see it!


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