
Freshwater Drum: How to Clean, Cook, Fry, Grill, and Store Them

The freshwater drum, known to many as the gaspergou, has a ventral surface that is essentially flat when viewed from the side. It has a body that reaches its greatest depth near the dorsal fin origin and tapers downward toward a slender caud

A freshwater drum, also called the gaspergou, has a ventral surface that is essentially flat when viewed from the side. This fish species lives for up to 20 years.

What is a freshwater Drum?

Freshwater drum, also known as the gaspergou, is a species of a freshwater fish in the cyprinid family. There are four freshwater drum species in North America and they are the pallid drum, longnose gar, European carp, and the freshwater drum. Freshwater drum are usually found in lakes, but they are also present in brackish water.


The freshwater drum can reach a maximum length of 20 inches, but most adults are between 6 to 9 inches in length. They average between 5 and 8 inches in weight. Freshwater drum feed mainly on plankton and zooplankton, including insects. Their wide gape allows them to filter and inhale a wide range of organic material, including algae and bacteria.

Freshwater drum are occasionally also hunted for sportfishing.


The largest freshwater drum on record was found in 1950 in the Pearl River Delta of southern China. At 20 pounds, this was the world’s largest freshwater drum at that time. Because the fish that weigh more than 20 pounds are not common in the freshwater habitats in North America, we can assume that this is the largest specimen ever caught here.


It is the largest member of the lungfish family, which includes the amazing lungfish, which lives in a totally transparent environment that resembles a fish’s darkroom.

It can be confused with some species of drum. The real fresh water drum has a convex caudal fin and a head with four or five longitudinal ridges (caudal notches) and a dorsal fin that is pointed in its front. Both of these features are visible in fresh water drum.

Freshwater Drum Behavior, Diet, and Habitat

The freshwater drum is an ambush predator, and it feeds mainly on crustaceans and insects. Its diet consists of crayfish, mosquito larvae, earthworms, and various small fish.

When pondering the habits of a freshwater drum, many hunters tend to focus on the way it is caught and the way it is prepared for cooking. If a person decides to hunt a freshwater drum, the best plan is to pursue this species in small groups, at a time that will ensure that no one ends up being a target.

Freshwater drum need to be prepared, cleaned, and cooked properly, especially if this is to become a dish that will be eaten by a large number of people. That means that the fish should not be gutted prior to cooking.

How to clean freshwater drum?

Freshwater Drum

Freshwater drum, known to many as the gaspergou, has a ventral surface that is essentially flat when viewed from the side. It has a body that reaches its greatest depth near the dorsal fin origin and tapers downward toward a slender caudal fin.

The species can weigh up to 15 pounds and is found in a variety of freshwater habitats. When found in rivers and streams, it is commonly referred to as “turtle eggs” as it is part of the turtle family, Anhingidae.

How to clean freshwater drum

To clean a freshwater drum, remove the head through the opening behind the tail fin. Cut the head off if necessary.

Using a sharp knife, start around the lower jaw and work your way toward the mouth.

How to fry freshwater drum?

Freshwater drum can be fried with olive oil, and can be grilled and cooked on a grill or in a pan. Freshwater drum can be fried with olive oil, and can be grilled and cooked on a grill or in a pan.

Freshwater drum is a wild edible fish that can be fried or grilled in oil. They can also be pan-fried and stir-fried. They are also perfect for stir-frying with vegetables and some spices, such as garlic.

Freshwater drum can also be seasoned with lemon juice, thyme, and salt. They can be roasted in an oven with olive oil and garlic.

The freshwater drum can also be grilled or grilled on a grill, and it is then possible to grill the drum over a fire or directly over the coals of a fire, as is commonly done with wild turkey.

How to grill freshwater drum?

Grilling freshwater drum is as easy as using a grill, although for a better result, a grill basket, like the ones for fish and salmon, is a good idea.

Both halves of the drum should be placed on the grill, about a meter apart, facing each other. The drum must not be closed when the ends are on the grate; the lid should be loosened slightly. The drum meat must be seared to color. Then the fish should be removed from the grill to rest for 30-60 minutes. This way, the meat gets tender and crunchy.

Traditionally, when the drum is on the grill, a smoking chamber is used to bring the flavors of the seasoned meat to the taste of the grilled fish.

How to store freshwater drum?

The freshwater drum is sold frozen. It can be frozen at room temperature for several months and it is pretty well-known as an excellent source of food for some people in the U.S. Freshwater drum are mostly harvested from the river system in the West. The California Freshwater Drum Farmers Association (CFDA) allows you to hunt or trap fish when the limit is six per day. They can also be purchased at most fish stores.

To store the drum, you should wrap it up in plastic and put it in a fridge. It’s best to freeze them at about -20 to -35 degrees Fahrenheit, but these animals are very warm-blooded and tend to keep their body temperatures elevated well above freezing. However, even at these temperatures, the fresh water drum will freeze if left in an area with too much snow.


Freshwater Drum is one of the most readily available freshwater fish found throughout the tropics. This fish can be grilled, smoked, or prepared simply as fresh, grilled fish. Freshwater drum can also be cooked in a wide variety of different ways. These fish are generally very inexpensive and have a low risk of carrying any infectious diseases. Once you get a taste for freshwater drum you may find that you like it much more than the saltwater species.


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