
Life Cycle of the Freshwater Puffer Fish: From Egg to Death

Learn how to care for freshwater puffer fish with this guide. Learn what they need, how to set up the aquarium and feed them! Freshwater Aquariums for Puffer Fish – The freshwater puffer aquarium should be well decorated and include caves, grottos and overhangs to provide shelter and hiding places.

Hello, Puffer Fish!

Here’s a quick overview of the life cycle of freshwater puffer fish, as well as what they need to live and grow.



They’re round. They have bumps. They’re deep, and scary, and when they’re hungry, they say “Bop!” When freshwater puffer fish are ready to hatch, their enormous eggs begin to appear—on the surface, floating among the still water. To hatch, the eggs must be picked up and transferred to a bowl of water in the aquarium. They’re made of gelatinous fluid, not ice.

Setting up the aquarium for freshwater puffer fish

  • Freshwater Puffer Fish Habitats
  • How do puffer fish survive on their own?
  • How do they reproduce?
  • How do they feed?
  • How long do they live?
  • Why is the freshwater puffer fish protected?

How to take care of freshwater puffer fish with this video

Learn how to take care of freshwater puffer fish


The freshwater puffer fish is a common name for the very large predatory fish found along the south Pacific, Hawaiian Islands, and in the western Atlantic Ocean. The freshwater puffer fish (Pupa americana) is the largest of all puffer fishes with an adult size of about 11 inches (28cm).

See also: Freshwater Drum: How to Clean, Cook, Fry, Grill, and Store Them

Easy to care for freshwater puffer fish!

The freshwater puffer fish has a tough, armor-like, scale-like skin with translucent skin underneath, giving it a cute and lively appearance.

Feeding your puffer fish

Cages or aquariums

Choose a deep aquarium with a tall, sturdy and light-weight plastic top. You don’t want to place the puffer fish in a shallow aquarium because they are much too heavy to get out easily.

We recommend buying a clear transparent aquarium or a deep aquarium with a long-bottom as it is easy to feed the puffer fish and to see what’s going on underneath. Puffer fish often avoid aquaria with a dark bottom due to predatory fish.

Some prefer a water level of around 20-30 cm to give more space for the puffer fish to live in. Many recommend a water level of 50-80 cm as the ideal depth for Puffer Fish, but for some people this is too deep and may damage the freshwater aquarium.

Humidity is a key factor to consider.

Freshwater Puffer Fish Facts

These are unique because they do not require any water to live but just a safe temperature range to maintain the health of their environment. Puffer fish are both carnivorous and omnivorous in nature; their diet consists of zooplankton and crustaceans.

Puffer fish are distinct from other tropical aquarium fish, because they can survive up to 4 degrees Celsius and even below zero degrees Celsius.

Freshwater puffer fish have strong, colorful fins to help protect them from predators. They also have two prominent knobs along the sides of their body. These knobs help create propulsion and propel the fish around the tank.


The puffer fish have a natural lifespan of three to seven years. They are dependent on their own offspring for food.

Freshwater Puffer fish for Sale

which puffer fish can you buy?


3. Brisbane Puffer Fish

This swimming puffer fish is from Brisbane. The main difference in this one from others is that they do not have white markings on their body and more dark coloured body. I took this picture on a rainy day and the blue water, coupled with the white detailing on the side of the fish, make it a neat picture.


About Me

This post was made possible by some user reviews. I’m not sure whether this has been done before on some of these sites, but I’ll try to take full advantage of it. If you want to see a featured fish picture on this site, then please leave a review! Thanks to everyone who has left a review.

As well as the wonderful fish that you see here, you can see my aquariums, my fish tanks and more here.


There are a lot of different kinds of puffer fish and the most popular ones are the French puffers (also called butter-fish), but there are a few varieties that are harder to obtain and some species of freshwater puffers have more specialized demands than the others.

These include the thick-skinned puffers (Bolmeidae) and the “northern pufferfish”, which has a very hairy body. Puffer fish may even appear “gaunt” if they are sick or have recently swallowed something poisonous. In addition to an abundance of food, these fish also need an aquarium that is shallow enough to allow them to hide and hide in, yet deep enough to ensure complete ocean water can circulate. Otherwise, they will start to feel depressed or it can even cause them to die.


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