How To Make A Weighting Scale Graph In Excel

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You must have weighed some different types of goods and services in your life. Maybe you used a cash register to weigh candy bars, or maybe you weighed coins before they were deposited into a bank.

Whatever the case may be, it’s safe to say that we all use scales on a regular basis. If you own a business, then you know that weighing things can be a bit of an issue for ensuring accurate inventory management.

If you sell online then it’s also easier than ever to avoid paying sales tax by not having your customers deal with any kind of scale when ordering from you.

In this article, we will discuss how to make a weighting scale graph in Excel so that you can track weights accurately and get an accurate weight mark every time. You will learn how to adapt the Graph function in Microsoft Excel so that it can create graphs automatically as well as how to add labels and values to make it usable.

To calculate the weight of an item accurately, you need a weighting scale graph in Excel. A Weighting Scale Graph is an Excel chart used to assign values to variables or items based on their relative quantity. You can use this chart to easily see which items have more or less value than others.

It’s useful for pricing things and knowing exactly how much something costs. In this article, we will explain how you can make a weighting scale graph in Excel with step by step instructions.

To make a weighting scale graph in Excel

We will start off by opening up Excel and creating a new workbook. We will then create a new table and import data into Excel. We will then create a new workbook and sheet in Excel by following the steps below:

  • Select the “File” drop-down menu and select the “New” option
  • Enter “WeightingScaleGraph” as the name
  • select “Create a New Workbook”.
  • Then create a new table and import data into Excel. Using the Import Data option in the Data tab, click on “From Text” and search for “HowMuch”.
  • Now select the “HowMuch” text file and click on the “Ok” button. HowMuch is a list of items and their prices.
  • After importing the HowMuch list, we will then create a new table and import data into Excel.
  • Using the Table drop-down menu, select the “Raw Data” option, select the “HowMuch” table and click on the “Ok” button. The Raw Data is the data that we will analyze and assign values to.

Note: Weighting Scale Graph is not an official Excel function

Weighting Scale Graph is not an official Excel function. It is an add-in that you can download to Excel and it is compatible with Excel 2007 and above. You can find the link to get the tool here.

Import data into Excel and create a table

We will start off by importing the HowMuch list of items into a table.

  1. Open up Excel and click on the “File” drop-down menu and select “New”
  2. Enter “Import Data” as the name and click on the “Ok” button.
  3. We will then select the “HowMuch” list of items and import it into a new table.
  4. Click on the “Sheet2” tab and select the “Custom” option for creating a new table in Excel.
  5. We will then check the “Use Raw Data” box and click on the “Ok” button. The Raw Data table is where we import the HowMuch list of items and assign values to them.

Create a new workbook and sheet in Excel

Now that we have the data in a table, we will create a new workbook and sheet in Excel.

  1. Select the “File” drop-down menu and select “New”
  2. Enter “Weighting Scale Graph” as the name and select “Create a New Workbook”. Then create a new workbook and sheet in Excel.
  3. Select the “Sheet2” tab, create a new sheet and select the “Formula” option for creating a new sheet in Excel.
  4. Next, you will create a new workbook and sheet in Excel. Select the “Weighting Scale Graph” workbook and create a new sheet in Excel.

Select Chart tab and choose the right type of graph for weighting scale chart

We will select the “Chart” tab and select the “Weighting Scale” option. This will bring up a chart type selection box. The chart type selection box will open up and have a variety of graph options.

The one that you should choose is a “Scatterplot”. The scatterplot is the perfect graph type to make a weighting scale graph.

Define the axis labels and plot symbols

We will now define the axis labels and plot symbols for the weighting scale graph. The axis label is the value that will be written on the axis and is usually on the left side.

The axis label is usually represented by a number (e.g., 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, etc.) and indicates the value of each axis point. The axis plot symbol is the mark on the axis with the corresponding axis label.

Sum up values in column A and define total cell reference

We will now sum up the values in column A and define the total cell reference. The column A is the row of the weighting scale graph where we will put the total cost of an item.

The total cost is the total price of all the items in column A multiplied by their quantity. We will now define the total cell reference. The total cell reference is the cell address to which all the values in column A will be summed up.

It is usually located in the upper-left corner of the graph (i.e., =$A$2). From now on, we will refer to this area as “the graph” for ease. The graph is the area that displays the graph.

Review the weighting scale graph, take notes and finalize edits

Review the weighting scale graph and take notes on what you see. The graph should look like this: Make any edits to the graph on the graph itself. Next, we will define the total cell reference.

The total cell reference is the cell address to which all the values in column A will be summed up. This can be done in one of two ways.

One method is to copy and paste the formula down the entire column and then paste it into the cell address. The other method is to type the formula and then press the Enter button.

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