
How to Prevent Sinus Infections

A persistent, painful sinus infection can be one of the most annoying and stressful health issues you can experience. You’re left feeling miserable, unable to concentrate, and unable to get your mind off of your aching head.

The worst part is that if you have suffered from one before, it only makes it more likely that you will get another one again in the future.
Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to prevent getting them again and again. Here are 5 great ways to prevent sinus infections so you don’t have to deal with them as often.

Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Sinuses are hollow spaces within the bones between your eyes, behind your cheekbones, and in your forehead. They make mucus, which keeps the inside of your nose moist. That, in turn, helps protect against dust, allergens, and pollutants.


5 Ways to Prevent Sinus Infections

A persistent, painful sinus infection can be one of the most annoying and stressful health issues you can experience. You’re left feeling miserable, unable to concentrate, and unable to get your mind off of your aching head. The worst part is that if you have suffered from one before, it only makes it more likely that you will get another one again in the future.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to prevent getting them again and again. Here are 5 great ways to prevent sinus infections so you don’t have to deal with them as often.

Keep your immune system strong

One of the best ways to prevent sinus infections is to keep your immune system strong. This means getting enough sleep, eating well, drinking lots of water, and getting some exercise. When your immune system is working at its full potential, it is much easier to fight off infections and diseases.


When you’re well-rested, you are able to think more clearly and fight off illnesses more effectively. A healthy diet provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best, and water is necessary for keeping your immune system strong. Finally, exercise boosts your immune system, helping you stay healthy and preventing infections from occurring.

Use a humidifier

How to Prevent Sinus Infections


Many people don’t realize this, but a humidifier can prevent sinus infections and allergies. When the air in your house is too dry, it is harder for your sinuses to stay moisturized and prevent bacteria from growing. Therefore, using a humidifier can help prevent this from happening and help prevent infections.

If you have allergies, using a humidifier is even more helpful. Dry air can worsen allergies, leaving you feeling stuffy, itchy, and watery-eyed. A humidifier can help prevent this and make allergies much more manageable. If you are living in a dry climate, or during the winter when the furnace is cranked up, a humidifier can be a great way to prevent infections.

Humidifiers are especially helpful during the winter time, when the air is much drier. You can purchase a humidifier at any hardware store, or online.

Try aromatherapy

Using essential oils is another great way to prevent a sinus infection. Certain oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, have antibacterial properties and are great for keeping your sinuses healthy. Eucalyptus is one of the best essential oils for preventing sinus infections.

It is antibacterial and antifungal and has been shown to reduce symptoms of a cold, such as a runny nose, cough, and fatigue, when used as a steam inhalation. Other great essential oils for preventing sinus infections include peppermint, myrrh, and rosemary.

When you’re starting to feel a cold coming on (like your head feels stuffy and you have a low-grade headache), try adding a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to a bowl of hot water.

Place a towel over your head and the bowl, and breathe the steam in for at least 15 minutes. Be careful not to get the water too hot, or you could burn yourself! Using essential oils in this way is an effective, natural way to help prevent a sinus infection from becoming worse.

Get lots of sleep and exercise

Getting plenty of sleep and exercising regularly are two things that can help prevent sinus infections from starting. Getting enough sleep allows your body to rest and heal properly, which can help prevent infections from occurring. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all great ways to boost your immune system, making it easier to fight off infections.

If you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly, you are far less likely to get a sinus infection, because your immune system is strong enough to fight it off.

Don’t breathe in stale air

This one sounds obvious, but it can be easy to forget. If you are in an environment where the air is stale, such as a room with no windows that isn’t getting any fresh air, you are more likely to get a sinus infection. When you are in a stuffy room with barely any airflow, it is harder for your mucus membranes to function normally.

Your mucus membranes help you to fight off infections by trapping germs and preventing them from moving further into your body. However, in a stale room, the air isn’t moving and the mucus membranes are unable to trap the germs that are hanging in the air. This makes it easier for a sinus infection to occur.


Sinus infections are incredibly painful and annoying, but they don’t have to be inevitable if you know how to prevent them. By keeping your immune system strong, using a humidifier, trying aromatherapy, getting plenty of sleep, and avoiding stale air, you can prevent sinus infections.


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