
Land of Illusion

The world of childhood is so magical. Everyone dreams of living in a fantasy-like world where they are the star, and everything revolves around them. The whole world seems to revolve on you and how you deal with it. This is the Land of Imagination, also known as the World of Dreams or the World of Eons Ago. To explore this place fully, one should have some fantasies, be inspired by something new and original at every moment and most importantly, keep an open mind about things. (Land of Illusion).

The Land of Illusion is an ideal place for children to grow up in because it is filled with delightful fairy tales that inspire imagination and help develop skills such as creativity, logic and patience. It can be a challenging place at times but it’s worth it because children need challenges to strengthen their resolve and determination to succeed.

Children in this realm are free from adult pressures, limitations, expectations and judgmental looks from others. The child plays all day long without being bothered by adults who might disapprove or question if they still enjoy playing or not.


The realm of logic

Children in this realm are guided by logic and reason. They may love to argue about something and get confused about a topic but they always follow the rules of logic. They might be very good at explaining their choice of a particular toy or book based on the reasons they chose it, and they might love to explain how a certain thing works to their parents.

Children in this realm are also taught to respect other people and to not abuse their power or position as they grow up. Also they are encouraged to think before they act or talk. Encouraged to ask questions, investigate, understand and learn new facts. They are taught to be critical thinkers and they are taught to be responsible for their choices.

The realm of patience

Children in this realm are patient. They are taught to be tolerant and understanding of other people’s feelings and choices. Sometimes they might be judgmental at times but they are usually very patient when someone is doing something they don’t like. They have to wait for things to happen and they don’t expect things to happen at a particular time. Also they are very understanding to their loved ones because they know how frustrating and frustrating it feels to wait for something.


Land of Illusion

The realm of critical thinking

Children in this realm are encouraged to think critically and independently. They are taught to question, investigate and to understand the reasons behind certain actions and decisions of loved ones. Again they are taught to be critical thinkers and they are taught to be critical of their own actions and thoughts.

User are taught to be logical, impartial and objective in their judgement. They have to be very patient and tolerant with their loved ones when they are explaining things. They are taught to not get emotional over things and to be reasonable and objective in their arguments. Also they are taught to be tolerant of other points of views and views that differ from their own.

The realm of creativity

Children in this realm are encouraged to be creative. They are taught to explore their own creativity and to be very expressive in their arts and crafts. They are taught to be imaginative in their play and to express themselves freely through art, stories and songs. Also they encouraged to be creative in their thinking and how they choose to solve problems.

This might be drawn to different fields such as painting, music, dance, literature, architecture, etc. They might be very good at drawing or painting and might be great with music or writing. This might be great at solving puzzles and might be great at creating new games.


The Land of Illusion is a very exciting place to be in because one can explore their imagination by creating new kinds of fantasies. The main thing with this realm is that it has to be balanced with reality. Children need to accept and respect their parents, teachers and society while they are in this realm. This is an ideal place for children to grow up in because it is filled with delightful fairy tales that inspire imagination and help develop skills such as creativity, logic and patience.

It can be a challenging place at times but it’s worth it because children need challenges to strengthen their resolve and determination to succeed. Children in this realm are free from adult pressures, limitations, expectations and judgmental looks from others. The child plays all day long without being bothered by adults who might disapprove or question if they still enjoy playing or not.


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