
How to Renew Your Nigerian Passport in the U.S – 2024

If you’re a Nigerian citizen and need to renew your Nigerian passport in the United States, there are some steps you should take. First, you must create a new passport if you’re renewing your Nigerian passport abroad. Then, when you arrive in the U.S., go to the embassy or consulate to complete the renewal process. These are just a few of the steps required for obtaining a renewed Nigerian passport issued by the US Government.

Nigerian Passport Renewal

When you apply for a Nigerian passport, the process is a bit complicated. You’ll have to answer several questions that are related to you and your family’s origin in Nigeria. The questions can be tricky and sometimes people get the wrong answer, which means that they won’t be able to renew their Nigerian passport. Here are some tips on how to renew your Nigerian passport and get it done in thirty days or less!


If you are a citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, you will need a passport to travel outside of the country. You can renew or get a new Nigerian passport in the United States. This article will cover the process of how to renew your Nigerian passport, as well as what documents you’ll need to do so.

Nigeria’s economy is currently the second fastest growing economy in Africa and it continues to grow at a rapid pace. This means that with more Nigerians moving to countries like the U.S., their passport expiration dates are becoming an issue.

If you’re renewing your Nigerian passport, you’ll need to submit a letter from your home country that states your passport has expired for more than one year. In addition to this letter, you must also provide a photocopy of your previous passport and two other documents from your home country (e.g., a driver’s license or bank statement). If you want to know how to renew your Nigerian passport in the U.S., read on for the step-by-step process!


Renewing Your Nigerian Passport in the U.S.

# Create a new document

In order to renew your Nigerian passport in the U.S., you’ll need to create a new document that not only has your current passport information but also a photocopy of your previous passport and two other documents from your home country (e.g., a driver’s license or bank statement). You can use any software to create this document, but you need to make sure that it’s formatted properly. Make sure the file is always aligned vertically.

# Download the template

To help you prepare for this process, we’ve created an online template that includes instructions on how to create your new passport renewal letter in no time! Click here and take a look at our template, which includes instructions on step-by-step instructions on how to complete the process in 15 minutes or less.

What You’ll Need to Renew Your Nigerian Passport

You’ll need to follow these steps in order to renew your Nigerian passport in the U.S.

Step 1: Fill out a form and submit it

When you’re renewing your Nigerian passport, you’ll be asked to fill out a form that contains information about your country of origin, name of the person who’s using their Nigerian passport (e.g., “John Smith” or “Anna Jones”), and any special circumstances (e.g., “I’m applying for my second/third/fourth renewal because my birthday is coming up”). You’ll also be asked to provide documentation that proves your age (e.g., birth certificate or other documentation).

How to Renew your Nigerian Passport in the U.S.

Here’s the step-by-step process for renewing your Nigerian passport in the U.S.:

1. Fill out the “Renew your Nigerian Passport” form. This form is available online and can be found at

2. You will use your home country’s documents to prove that you have been living there for a period of time that meets the requirement of five years (in addition, you must provide a copy of your previous passport). If necessary, you can also use photos or any other supporting documents to show proof of your residence in Nigeria.

What If You Don’t Have a Letter from Home?

If you don’t have a letter from your home country, or if you’re not familiar with how to properly prepare a letter, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

The process for applying for a U.S. passport with an expired status is pretty simple: 1) Complete the required documents and provide copies 2) Send all three documents to local consular officials (a Nigerian embassy or consulate in your home country) 3) Pay $85 for each document 4) If successful, receive a new passport within seven days 5) Apply for an immigrant visa at the nearest immigration office 6) Make sure that all documentation submitted by consular officials matches what’s on your passport 7) Don’t forget to renew your old passport before it expires!


You’re ready to renew your Nigerian Passport, but if you don’t have a letter from home, don’t panic! We’ve got you covered.

If you are a foreigner living in the United States, you need to renew your Nigerian passport. What do you need to renew it?

  • 1. Passport
  • 2. A letter of invitation
  • 3. A copy of your previous passport’s expiration date
  • 4. A copy of your previous passport’s page(s) (if any)
  • 5. Your original and copy of your birth certificate(s)
  • 6. A copy of your previous Nigerian passport’s page(s) (if any)
  • 7. Your original and copy of your Nigerian birth certificate(s)
  • 8. A copy of your previous Nigerian passport’s page(s) (if any)

Conclusion: You’ve got all the necessary documents for renewing your Nigerian passport, but if some are missing, we have an answer for that too.


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