
Top 11 States for CBD Oil Processing

Whether you’re looking to get in on the ground floor of the CBD oil industry or you want to know where to set up shop for a career as a professional grower/manufacturer, understanding which states offer the most oppurtunities is paramount to any aspiring grower or producer.

The good news is that while there are a number of states that have passed legislation that provides an abundance of Opportunities for the Cannabis Grower, there are also a number of other states where the opportunity is simply not there. This article has been compiled with the help of a team of in-depth CBD Oil Research, and we have the exclusive list of the Top 11 States for CBD Oil Processing. Read on to learn more.

The legality of cannabis varies widely from state to state. In certain states where its use is legal in medical and/or recreational formats, you may be able to purchase CBD oil without a prescription. States where cannabis is illegal for any reason (i.e., the rest of the U.S.) customer safety may still play a factor for oil producers.


To make sure you’re getting a high-quality product, check the state and legality of the oil production before putting your money into it. Here is a list of the top 11 states for extracting CBD oil.

The Top 11 States for CBD Oil Processing

As the legal landscape for cannabidiol oil (CBD Oil) continues to grow, consumers will begin to see changes in state laws. However, until recently, CBD Oil was not entirely legal in many states. This has recently changed, and many states have legalized the production, sale, and use of CBD Oil.
CBD Oil is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Because it does not cause a “high” like other cannabinoids in the marijuana plant, such as THC (Druggist’s Tincture #1), it has become very popular with patients who are looking to avoid the negative side effects of THC.
Additionally, because it is derived from industrial hemp, which has very low concentrations of THC (Under 0.3%), CBD Oil is completely legal in all 50 states without fear of prosecution. Explore the top 10 states for CBD Oil processing to see which ones have the most legal CBD Oil facilities.

1. California

With a population of over 33 million people, California is the biggest state in the country. It is also the leading state when it comes to legal CBD Oil products. While the state does not have a legal industrial hemp program, it is one of the few states that has a “broad” schedule of legal cannabinoids. As a result, products made with industrial hemp and marijuana are treated equally under California law.

2. Delaware

Delaware has no medical or recreational marijuana laws, so it was an easy decision for manufacturers to choose the state as the backdrop for their CBD Oil facilities. However, manufacturers are still required to purchase a permit in order to operate a commercial hemp business there.

3. Florida

With over 18 million residents, Florida is the biggest state in the country. It also happens to be where the 2016 Presidential Election was held. Likewise, most Floridians are well-versed in the use of medical cannabis and found it to be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions. However, in the year 2016, voters passed Amendment 2, which created a system where the only legal marijuana available in Florida is registered “collectivization” varieties of Cannabis sativa.

4. Illinois

As the home of the United States’ first statewide school lunch program and the first city to authorize recreational marijuana, Illinois is a special case when it comes to CBD Oil. It is one of only 4 states where CBD Oil is completely legal to purchase, possess, and use according to the ruling from the state’s 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in April.

5. Maryland

In the state of Maryland, manufacturing, possession, and distribution of CBD Oil are both now legal. But unlike the other states mentioned above, no permits are required for the production or distribution of CBD Oil in Maryland. The decision from the 5th Circuit in April also applies to the state’s marijuana industry, so manufacturers of both hemp and marijuana must remain “somewhere between” legal in Maryland.

6. Michigan

As the second largest state in the country, with a population of over million people, Michigan has a wide range of laws that affect the cannabis industry in general. However, the one state law that has been untouched by the legal landscape is CBD Oil.

7. New York

New York has been a leader in the movement to legalize CBD Oil. In fact, the only other state to surpass New York in terms of population is California. The two states also share the same 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has found in New York’s favor in several CBD Oil-related cases.

8. Ohio

In the center of things when it comes to CBD Oil and legalities is Ohio. The Buckeye State is followed by Michigan in terms of population, and with more than 100,000 square miles, the state is large enough to contain two Circuits. The 4th Circuit in particular has found in favor of the CBD Oil industry in the past, so it is no surprise that the state is at the center of the legal landscape once again.

9. Pennsylvania

The Keystone state is another major player in the legal industry. Although it has applied for and been granted permission to implement a medical marijuana law, the state’s medical cannabis industry has been thriving thanks to Pennsylvania’s favorable legislation.

10. Rhode Island

This state has been at the center of marijuana legalization for as long as the movement has been around. And with four medical marijuana facilities now open their doors to patients, the state has made significant progress in the year since the Supreme Court decision.

11. Vermont

This small town in the northeast corner of the country has been at the center of the legal marijuana debate for decades. Because of this, any decision that affects the small town’s future is bound to be highly debated.

Final Words

As the legal landscape for CBD Oil continues to grow, consumers will begin to see changes in state laws. However, until recently, CBD Oil was not entirely legal in many states. This has recently changed, and many states have legalized the production, sale, and use of CBD Oil. The following are the top 10 states for CBD Oil processing.

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