
Nigerian Army Salary Structure 2024 – How (NA) Pay Workers

Current Nigerian Army Salary Structure | The Nigerian Army, (NA), Nigerian Army Salary Structure, How (NA) Pays their Workers in Nigeria, Graduate Salary Scale on Nigerian Army, O level Salary Scale on (NA) Just stay focus and read through;

Federal Civil Service Commission Salary Structure – In this post we are going to give you full details in the current salary structure of the Nigerian Army, (NA).

Maybe you are one of those that had been wondering how much a military man, especially those in the Nigerian army, earn every month, you will be given the needed information here. Yes, you may be expecting them to be earning huge salary considering the kind of work these people do to protect Nigeria and Nigerians. However, the amount revealed in this write up may surprise you as it may not be up to what you were expecting.



Men and officers of Nigerian army are the ones that are sent to wars on behalf of Nigeria. They are the first line of attack and the first line of defence. They are the ones that will have to go and face insurgencies and also ensure that other countries do not encroach into the Nigerian borders.

You may not know it, but the Nigerian border is very vast and it is very difficult to protect all the borders. Despite the uncomfortable tasks before them, these men and officers in the Nigerian army still make sure they protect the borders properly to ensure the integrity of the Nigerian border is kept intact.

Aside from their local duties of protecting Nigerian and its borders, these men, and officers of the Nigerian Army are also involved in several military campaigns off the coast of Nigeria. For example, some of them were involved in peacekeeping campaign in Liberia during the years that country experienced civil war.  They also participated in Somalia and some other countries when those countries were undergoing political crises, which culminated to violence.


Nigerian Army is recognized, not only in Africa but also globally. On several occasions, the United Nations had certified Nigeria as reliable for providing military force for certain African peacekeeping campaigns.

The men and officers of the Nigerian Army are actually not alone in this regard; they are also hoped by other branches of the Nigerian military, like the Nigerian Air force and the Nigerian Navy. However, the men and officers of the Nigerian Army are almost always the first to face off with military operations, considering the fact that most of such operations have to come by land.

It is therefore not surprising why a recruit has to go through very difficult training. The purpose of such training is to toughen them and make them able to face up to the difficulties and challenges that their jobs entail.  You may be surprised to realize that you will start experiencing the kind of training they give them long before you get admitted into NDA or get into the Nigerian Army as a recruit. Part of their interviews includes some very serious exercises that only the strong hearted can bear.

Nigerian Army is not a place of the feebleminded. It is a place only for the strong, who can stand their grounds in very difficult times. The trainings last for different period, depending on the type of course the individual is putting in for.

So, what do the members of the Nigerian Army earn for all the troubles they have to go through almost every day? You will be informed shortly. Yes, it is true that the men and officers of the Nigerian Army do not receive huge pay per month; the pay tends to increase as the officer gets promoted. For example, a Second Lieutenant receives about N120,000 on monthly basis, while a Full general receives N1.5 million every month. You will agree that this is a significant increase. Even though it takes several years before a Second Lieutenant can become a Full General, it is still a possibility if he remains focused and dedicated to duty.

The amount these men and officers receive is also determined by whether they are the commissioned officers or non-commissioned officers.

As expected, a non-commissioned officer does not receive as much as a commissioned officer receives in salary. Even the highest ranking person among the non-commissioned officers does not receive as much as the lowest ranking person among the commissioned officers.

A Master Warrant Officer in the Nigerian Army is the highest ranking individual among the non-commissioned officers. Yet, he only receives N90,000 per month. Whereas a second-lieutenant, who is the lowest ranking officer among the commissioned officers, receives up to N120,000 per month, far more than what the highest ranking person in the non-commissioned department receives.

The Nigerian Army is no doubt one of the toughest in Africa, this can be proven with their achievements in the various parts they have played in the unity and bringing peace to countries in Africa.
Joining the Nigerian Army is a selfless service that has to do with the dedicating of one’s life to the upholding of peace at all cost.
Although it is a selfless service it is not an NGO, therefore there  is a certain salary attached to it. So, on this article we will be looking that the salary structures of the Nigerian Army.
The salary is based on their ranks.

The Nigerian Army Salary Structure 2022

  • Private Soldier in the Nigerian Army receive from N48 to 49,000 Monthly
  • Lance Corporal in the Nigerian Army receive from N54,000 to 55,000 Monthly
  • Corporal in the Nigerian Army receive from N58,000 Monthly
  • Sergeant in the Nigerian Army receive from N63,000 Monthly
  • Staff Sergeant in the Nigerian Army receive from N68,000 Monthly
  • Warrant Officer in the Nigerian Army receive from N80,000 Monthly
  • Master Warrant Officer in the Nigerian Army receive from N90,000 Monthly

Nigerian Army Salary Structure For Commission Officers

  • Second Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army receive from N120,000 Monthly
  • Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army receive from N180,000 or little above Monthly
  • Captain in the Nigerian Army receive from N220,000 Monthly
  • Major in the Nigerian Army receive from N300,000 Monthly
  • Colonel in the Nigerian Army receive from N350,000 Monthly
  • Colonel in the Nigerian Army receive from N550,000 Monthly
  • Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army receive from N750,000 Monthly
  • Major General in the Nigerian Army receive from N950,000 Monthly
  • General in the Nigerian Army receive from N1 million Monthly
  • General in the Nigerian Army receive from N1.5 million Monthly


  1. Please let us help the army n their family cos they are the first to defend their country let them be paid very well please Nigeria government

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