
Dog Vomiting Blood Home Remedy

Dog vomiting blood is a scary sight for any pet owner. However, dogs can vomit for many reasons, and it’t always serious. In most cases, your dog will be able to recover quickly.

These pets are known as “proximal vomers,” which means they tend to throw up food that’s very recently been eaten.

Dogs with this tendency may get an occasional hairball; you might see this in your pet as “dry-heaving” after drinking water, but not being able to bring anything else up.


Dog vomiting blood can be an indication of something more serious going on inside of the pet. Learning how to help a dog vomit at home may save their life and give them a chance at recovery.

What to Do If Your Dog Is Vomiting Blood

If your dog is vomiting blood, they may have ingested something harmful and gotten an intestinal blockage.

Keep an eye on your dog and take them to the vet if they also vomit a lot of food, are lethargic, or have diarrhea. And, of course, if you see blood in your dog’s vomit, you need to call your vet immediately.


If you’re not sure if your dog is vomiting blood, you can use a stained paper towel or a dark-colored cloth to check whether or not vomit has blood in it.

If your dog is vomiting blood, you should keep a careful eye on them: If the blood is coming from their stool, it’s probably not a cause for concern, since it comes from their gastrointestinal tract.

But if the blood is coming from the back of the throat, it may indicate that your dog has swallowed something, like a toy, that has caused damage.

Find Out Why Your Dog Is Vomiting Blood

If your dog is vomiting blood, it’s important to find out why they are vomiting blood to determine the next steps. Start by taking note of their symptoms and behavioural patterns.

This can help you determine if the cause of your dog’s vomiting blood is a dietary issue, illness, internal bleeding, or something else. Vomiting Diet: A sudden change in diet, especially one that is high in protein, can lead to vomiting blood.

If your dog is vomiting blood after eating a new diet, it’s important to switch them back to their regular food until you can speak to a vet. Vomiting Illness: If your dog is vomiting blood and has other symptoms like diarrhea, lethargy, or a fever, it may be due to an illness.

Certain diseases, like parvovirus, distemper, or Giardia, can lead to vomiting blood. If your dog is vomiting blood because of a disease, they will likely need treatment from a vet.

Internal Bleeding: Vomiting blood is a scary sign, but not every case requires a trip to the vet. Internal bleeding can occur after a car accident, fall, or other traumatic event. It can lead to vomiting blood, too.

Help a Vomiting Dog at Home

If your dog is vomiting blood, it’s important to stay calm and avoid panicking. Vomiting blood is a scary sight, and it can be difficult to know what to do.

There are a few steps you can take to help your dog recover at home while you wait for vet hours to end. Stay Calm: The first step is to stay calm and not panic. Dogs are very perceptive, and they pick up on our emotions.

This can worsen their own state of mind and make recovery even more difficult. Rest: It’s important to give your dog some rest. If your dog is a young puppy, you can put them in a safe, quiet space with a minimal amount of furniture.

For an adult dog, you can place a few blankets for them to lie down on. Hydration: Dogs can become severely dehydrated if they experience severe vomiting.

It’s important to ensure your dog is getting enough water to stay hydrated. You can provide water in a dog-safe bowl, or you can use a syringe to squirt it into your dog’s mouth.

Try Pro tip: Use a humidifier

If your dog is vomiting blood, they may have a dry mouth. A dry mouth can be painful, and it may be the cause of their vomiting blood. A dry mouth can be caused by many things, including heat, illness, and stress.

If your dog is vomiting blood, you can help keep them hydrated by using a humidifier. A humidifier will put moisture into the air, which can be helpful for both humans and pets.

You can also try putting some water in a spray bottle and misting it into the air. Be sure to put the water in a safe bottle that’s free from harmful chemicals or toxins, such as a vinegar or baking soda-based water. This can help hydrate your dog’s mouth, too.

Try Pro tip: Offer Tylenol or Advil

If your dog is vomiting blood and you think they might be suffering from a migraine, you can give them Tylenol or Advil. These over-the-counter painkillers can be very effective for dogs.

You can put the pill in a gelatin capsule and squirt it into your dog’s mouth using a syringe. Be sure to give your dog the correct dosage, and don’t give them any more than the recommended amount. If your dog is vomiting blood from a migraine, it should go away in a few hours.

Try Pro tip: Offer slippery food

If your dog is vomiting blood, you can try feeding them a slurry. A slurry is a mixture of food and water. It’s important to not feed your dog food and water separately when they’re vomiting blood. Feeding them both together can be harmful to their stomach, so it’s best to use a slurry instead.

Some foods you can use in a slurry include rice, oatmeal, and canned pumpkin. You can also use a commercial dog food that is specifically designed for dogs who are vomiting.


If your dog is vomiting blood, it’s important to keep a cool head and find out the cause. It’s also important to stay calm and help your dog rest so they can recover faster. In most cases, dogs can recover from vomiting blood quickly with a little home care.


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