
8 Exercises that Got your Back

8 Exercises that Got your Back – Bodywork is a broad term that can have different meanings for different people. For some, it’s a luxury to be able to get a massage once a week. For others, it’s a practical way to stay in shape and get rid of muscle tension. When it comes to back pain, however, it can be a real bummer. That’s why we’ve picked some exercises that can help you stay on top of your game. Some of these might seem a bit silly at first, but trust us. If you incorporate these into your routine, you’ll be back in no time. You don’t need to be able to squat, lunge, or even bend over to do these exercises. They’ll help you keep your back healthy at home. Read on and find out how.


8 Exercises that Got your Back - Best School News

Good posture is key to staying healthy and injury-free. But it’s not always easy to keep in check. That’s where exercises like back exercises come in. These kinds of exercises strengthen your back and help you maintain a good posture.
Consider yourself lucky if you have access to a gym with lots of equipment. But even if you don’t, you can still get your back in shape. Try these back-friendly exercises at home that will help strengthen your back, shoulders and core.
Here are some of the best exercises for your back:


8 Proven Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

Having trouble keeping your core tight? We know it can be a struggle! Keeping your core tight is essential for a well-rounded core, but sometimes it can be a pain to come up with creative ways to strengthen our lower backs. Luckily, there are a few exercises that don’t require much imagination at all! One of the best parts about these back-friendly exercises is that they don’t even require too much equipment. Here are some awesome ways to get your core working that won’t require a ton of time or money.

1- Wall Hexer

Exercises that Got your Back

The wall hexer is an awesome way to get your core strong. All you need is a wall (or something to lean against) and your body weight. Start by placing both arms out in front of you, and lean as far out as you can. Then, bring your arms all the way back in, and lean into your wall again. When performing this exercise, make sure to keep your back straight and your abdominals pulled in, while also squeezing your glutes and keeping your hips squared. This will help you to push your chest out, and really get those abs working. Try this out for three sets of 10 reps each day.


2- Stability Ball Roll up

Exercises that Got your Back

The stability ball roll up is an awesome way to strengthen your core. The original ball roll up is a classic back exercise, but you can also use a stability ball to perform the same movement. To do the stability ball roll up, start off on the floor. Grab a stability ball with an underhand grip. Then, roll up onto your forearms, squeezing your abs at all times. Slowly roll back down, and repeat for three sets of 10 reps.

3- Bosu Ball Bridge

Exercises that Got your Back

The bridge performed on a stability ball is the perfect core strengthener. If you do the bridge on a stability ball, you’re loading your core with a ton of tension. The bridge is also a great core strengthening exercise for anyone with mobility issues, like arthritis. To perform the bridge on a stability ball, start by standing up straight on top of the ball. Then, slowly bend your knees and lower your hips towards the floor, bringing your arms down with you. Keeping your back straight, slowly push off with your feet, and bring yourself back up again. Continue to slowly lower your hips, and lift your feet back up again. Repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.

4- Sumo Squat

Exercises that Got your Back

The sumo squat is another great core strengthening exercise. The sumo squat is perfect if you have mobility issues, or if you find that traditional lunges are hard for you. You can also use this exercise to strengthen your hips and glutes. To perform the sumo squat, start by standing up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, bend your knees and slowly lower your hips towards the floor, keeping your back straight. Once your hips are at a 90-degree angle, push back up to standing. Repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.

5- Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks may look like some sort of strange dance move, but they’re actually a variation of the squat. To perform the donkey kick, start by standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, drop your knees down towards the floor, and kick your feet back up into the air. Do this for one rep. Then, bring your knees down towards the floor again, and kick your feet back up into the air. Do this for another rep. Repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.

6- Hammer Strength Glute Bridge

Hammer Strength Glute Bridge

The glute bridge is a great way to target your glutes and lower back. If you’re someone with a tight lower back, or if you find that other glute bridges are too hard on your back, then this is the bridge for you. To perform the hammer strength glute bridge, start by lying flat on your back, with your legs straight up in the air. Then, slowly raise your hips up, squeezing your butt in the entire time. Slowly bring yourself back down, and repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.

7- Bridge with Shoulder Balancing

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The shoulder bridge is another great lower back exercise. When you do bridge, make sure to keep your shoulders down and back, while also squeezing your glutes. To perform the bridge with shoulder balancing, start by lying flat on your back. Then, slowly lift one of your arms off the ground, while balancing it with your shoulder. Continue with this motion, while keeping your shoulder down and back, for three seconds. Slowly lower your arm back to the ground, while balancing your shoulder, for three seconds. Repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.

8- Bottom of Pushup

Four Exercises That Will Help You Build up to a Push-up | Fitness Together

The pushup is an amazing lower back exercise, but that’s not the only option. If you find that pushups are too hard for your lower back, you can also do a modified pushup. To do a modified pushup, start by lying flat on the ground. Once flat, bring your arms down in front of you so that they are lined up with your shoulders. Then, position your feet so that they are wider than your shoulders. Push your chest through your arms, so that your shoulders are in the ground, while your elbows are underneath them. Repeat throughout the set for three sets of 10 reps each day.


Lower back pain is no fun, but it’s not something you should have to live with. Luckily, there are a ton of exercises that don’t require a ton of time or money, so you can get your back in tip-top shape. Try out some of these back-friendly exercises and see if they give you the oomph you need!



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