
Quick Home Remedies to Treat Your Sinus Infection

Anybody who suffers from blocked nose, runny nose, and pressure in the forehead knows how miserable it can get. Such common symptoms of sinus infection are often frustrating. Most people suffering from a sinus infection find it difficult to breathe as the nasal passages get blocked due to swelling of the nasal membranes.

The pressure inside the head increases leading to pain in different areas of the face such as eyes, forehead, and cheekbones. Within this article you’ll learn about 5 common causes of sinus infection with handy hints on how to treat them. After reading this article you’ll be able to identify if you’re prone to sinus infections and take steps to prevent one if you are at risk.

When does the sinus infection start?

A sinus infection usually starts when the sinuses become clogged and infected. This can happen when you have a cold, when you are dealing with allergies, or when bacteria or viruses are present in the nose and sinuses. Even if the symptoms of a cold and those of a sinus infection start at the same time, they are different illnesses.


The main symptoms of a sinus infection include facial pain, pressure, headaches, facial swelling, nasal congestion, and fever. If the infection is severe, you may also have a bad cough, trouble swallowing, and pain when you move your jaw. A sinus infection can last from a few days to several weeks.

To treat a sinus infection, you need to treat the underlying cause. You can also try some natural remedies to help you recover quicker.



Sinus Infections - ConvenientMD


What is the quickest way to get rid of a sinus infection?

If you are suffering from a sinus infection, you must be wondering how to get relief fast. Well, we all know that no one likes to deal with the symptoms of a sinus infection. The pressure in your nose, mouth, and forehead feels like there’s an elephant sitting on your face.

You might experience increased mucus production and frequent sneezing; this is because the congestion in your nose has made it harder for you to breathe through your nostrils.

These common home remedies for a sinus infection are a great way to relieve the pressure and inflammation inside your nose without having to spend much money or time going to the doctor or buying medications. There are plenty of natural solutions that will get rid of your irritating symptoms and have you feeling much better almost instantly.This includes:

Hot Shower

If you have a sinus infection, you can feel a lot better by taking a hot shower. This is because the steam from the shower will help to thin and break up the mucus in your nasal passages and throat. You can also try taking a hot bath.

The warm water will help with the congestion and you will feel much better. If you do not have a sinus infection, but are just feeling stuffy, a hot shower will open up your nasal passages and make you feel better. This can also help if you are trying to get rid of a cold. Make sure you stay in the shower for about 10 minutes to get the full benefits of the treatment.

Breathe Steam

This home remedy for a sinus infection is a great way to thin out the mucus in your sinuses and get instant relief from all the congestion.

What you will need for this remedy is a large pot, some eucalyptus oil, and a towel to cover your head and the pot. First, pour some water into the pot and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Then, place the pot on the stove and turn on the heat.

Place the towel over your head and the pot and breathe in the steam coming from the pot. You can keep breathing in the steam for as long as you like; five minutes is usually enough. Breathing in the steam will help to reduce inflammation and thin out the mucus in your nose. You will also feel much better if you have a cold because the steam is antibacterial and antiviral.

Salt Water

If you are suffering from a sinus infection, you can get relief by using a saline solution. What you will need for this home remedy is warm water, salt, and a neti pot. First, mix a teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Then, tilt your head to one side, pour the mixture into one nostril, and let it flow into your sinuses and out the other nostril.

This will help to break up the mucus in your sinuses and get rid of the infection. You can do this three to four times a day whenever you have a sinus infection. You can also make a mixture of warm water and salt and pour a few tablespoons of the mixture into your nostrils. This will help to thin out the mucus and break up the infection causing bacteria.

Nasal Irrigation

If you are suffering from a sinus infection, then nasal irrigation is a great home remedy for you. This is a process of flushing out your nostrils with a saline solution. What you will need for this remedy is a neti pot, warm water, a saline solution, and a towel.

First, fill up the neti pot with the saline solution, and tilt your head to one side. Pour the solution into one nostril and let it flow into your sinuses and out the other nostril. You can do this one or two times a day; it all depends on how often you have sinus infections.

This home remedy for a sinus infection will help to get rid of the infection, thin out the mucus in your sinuses, and have you feeling a lot better. Plus, saline is very cheap and you can use it as often as you need to.

Ginger and Turmeric

Both ginger and turmeric help to reduce inflammation. You can make a mixture of these two herbs with a bit of water and drink it whenever you have a sinus infection.

You can also make a mixture of these two herbs with a bit of water and put a few drops of the mixture in each nostril. This will help to reduce inflammation and thin out the mucus in your sinuses. You can do this two to three times a day when you have a sinus infection. The mixture is also good for getting rid of a cold.

Tomato Soup

If you are suffering from a sinus infection and are craving something warm and comforting, you can make a tomato soup. This is one of the best home remedies for a sinus infection because it will warm you up and help the infection to go away.

You can also make a normal tomato soup, but add a bit of pepper, cayenne, and turmeric to it. The pepper, cayenne, and turmeric will give the soup anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which will help with your infection. You can also make a cup of hot tea with a bit of turmeric and cayenne in it. The warm tea will help to reduce inflammation and thin out the mucus in your sinuses.


Allergies can cause a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a cough. But even if you don’t have any other symptoms, you can still develop symptoms of sinusitis. Allergic reactions happen when your immune system overreacts to an irritant (such as pollen, dust, or dander from pets).

It releases histamine, a chemical that causes inflammation, swelling, and mucus production. The best way to relieve allergy symptoms is to avoid the allergens that are causing them. If you have indoor allergies, keep windows closed and use filters on your vents.

If you have outdoor allergies, keep windows closed during peak pollen hours and wear a mask. Taking over-the-counter allergy medication can reduce the inflammation, congestion, and mucus build-up to help you breathe easier.

Blowing your nose too hard

Blowing your nose too hard can cause damage to the membranes and lead to a sinus infection. So avoid blowing your nose too hard. If you have to do it, do it gently and avoid pressing too hard in the nostrils. You can also use a saline spray to wash away mucus in the nose.

Avoid using alcohol-based sprays, which can dry out the nasal membranes and make you more susceptible to infection.

Constipation and dehydration

A study found that sinusitis is more common in people who are dehydrated and have constipation. The study also found that drinking more water and consuming fiber can help prevent sinusitis. If you have constipation, you should increase your fiber intake. You can do so by eating whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

You should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you have sinusitis, you should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. You should also increase your fiber intake. You can do so by eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Congestion after flight

If you are prone to getting sinus infections, you should be extra careful after flying. When you travel by air, cabin pressure changes can cause your mucus membranes to swell, which can make it easier for bacteria and viruses to travel to your sinuses.

To reduce the risk of getting a sinus infection, you should drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine and alcohol. You should also use a face mask when you travel by plane. You can also take an anti-histamine before flying to reduce the symptoms of allergies.


Sinus infections are common, especially during the fall and winter months. They’re usually caused by viral infections, but can be triggered by allergies and irritants like smoke and dust. When your sinuses are inflamed, it’s difficult to breathe and your head may feel stuffy and painful.

You can usually get over a sinus infection in a few days with rest and by taking over-the-counter medications. To prevent a sinus infection, try to avoid allergens, stay hydrated, and practice good hygiene.


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