
The Likely Letter: What It Is and How To Write One

Likely letters are a way for colleges to show their interest in a student and also to let students know about their chance of getting into the school. Also Looking for the right college essay? Our personalized admissions consulting is offered by top Ivy League writers. Get your Likely Letter today!

What is a Likely Letter?

Although a Likely Letter may sound like a letter of recommendation, it’s much more. Although a Likely Letter may sound like a letter of recommendation, it’s much more.

It is called a Likely Letter because it’s given by a college admissions staff to a high school student, which shows what kind of school you would like to attend. It shows where the school believes you would get the most support.


Section 2: What to Include in a Likely Letter

You should start with a statement of your goals, to help future potential schools see your realistic dreams of what you want. However, it should also show the colleges that you are honest about your aspirations.

Next, include your accomplishments, both past and present.


How to Write a Likely Letter

So you want to know how to write a likely letter? To start with, keep a few points in mind. There are usually a few categories and subjects you should be sure to cover when you are drafting up your letter.


The subject you choose should match the subject of the application process. For example, students who are applying to master’s programs in computer science or in engineering are likely to write something about the subject in their applications, so they would use the subject of computers or engineering in their letter. A good answer to this question is to consider the questions that are most likely to be asked by admissions officers in interviews, where they are specifically looking for the right answer.

How to Get a Likely Letter from Your School of Choice

Ivy League colleges are mostly selective and once you get accepted you are just in the lucky few; almost everyone will find a way to get in even though the acceptance rate is usually around 20%. The College Admission officers or admissions representatives will tell you about a Likely Letter that can be given to you if you wish to apply to the colleges. To understand what a likely letter is, let’s find out what it is and how to get it.

How to Get a Likely Letter from a college you want to apply for

Most likely letters in the form of Admissions letters are sent in the mid or later application rounds. The college admissions officer will send the Likely Letter to you if you are a suitable applicant for the colleges.

A probable letter is usually similar to a personal letter.

Considerations for Writing a Likely Letter

The student should consider the choice of university before writing the likely letter. Generally, the likelihood of a student getting into the school is roughly two out of three. If this is the case then the student should reflect on the three options they have and consider the significant weight of each one. To do this, they should talk to the guidance counselor at school to understand their strengths and weakness.

The students should also look out for the area of study and ask them about the schools’ focus and objectives. Also, the applicants should give information about their plans for after the degree and discuss with them about the area of interest they will study after the degree.


Top writing services are there for all students and most of them are ready to create a letter tailored to each individual students needs. Moreover, they can provide a price quote online which shows the details of the fee and also includes the direct communication on email and phone.

Surprisingly, the college admissions team might need a whole proofreading job in order to make the letter 100% clear and easy for the students to read.

“About Michelle Catherine Michelle is co-founder, editor and #1 fan of Woolf Woolf. She lives 50% of her life in the real world, and the other 50% on twitter. Michelle is into recreational feminist problematising, vintage decadence, cycling, swing-dancing, and cultivating her Bettie bangs.


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