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What Does Complimentary Admission Mean | A complimentary admission is when you are given free entrance into something, usually for being an employee or VIP.
This article will be discussing the different types of complimentary admissions and how they work. We’ll also discuss some other words that have similar meanings such as “free” and “complimentary.”
What does “free” mean?
The first thing to understand is that the word “free” isn’t defined in American English. Words like “free” come with qualifiers such as “guaranteed” and “no catch.”
For instance, if you go to a movie that’s shown on a multiplex (a cinema-sized screen that’s run by a single theater), you will be expected to purchase a ticket for admission, popcorn, a soft drink, candy, and a movie program.
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All of these costs might be subject to a ticketing surcharge as well. So, the cost of admission into the movie is only free if you buy all these items at the concession stand.
However, in some cases, the word “free” can mean different things to different people. For example, in cases like these, the terms “free admission” or “free” might have different connotations. What does “no catch” mean?
What is a “complimentary” admission?
- Regular Admission A regular admission is when you have to pay to get in. In fact, some businesses don’t charge for this admission.
- This type of admission is usually offered to paying customers. Some examples of businesses that offer this admission are museums, stores, and even museums. For example, The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers a regular admission to the museum, so you can look at all the different paintings, and also the sculptures inside. The normal admission fee for this admission is $25 for adults and $18 for students. However, on certain occasions, a very popular exhibit is given an additional “honored visitors” admission for free.
How do Complimentary Admissions Work?
To get a complimentary admission, you must first apply for it. Typically, a company will send you a coupon for a discount on a service, or other kind of service. Many businesses now use coupons as advertising to give away.
For example, you might receive a coupon for a free cup of coffee from a local coffee shop, or maybe you will be given a free report from a company that you have been referred to by a friend.
Often, the offer may not be cash-based but a discount on a service, either physical or digital, or a free offer, like a coupon. Next, you must print out the coupon and bring it with you to the event. When you are offered admission, simply walk up to the door and simply present the card to the staff.
What are some words with similar meanings to “free” and “complimentary?”
Dentist: Dentists usually give free appointments, but will ask for payment afterward. Free concert: People usually do not pay to see a concert for free, but they are required to spend money for food and drinks, and sometimes to stay overnight.
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Free parking: Parking is usually free at most, but some do require payment after the event. Restaurant: This admission is usually available only for employees or for customers who are buying alcohol. Galleries: This admission usually has a small fee, but is usually complimentary. Copyright 2017 WBRC. All rights reserved.
There is a lot of confusion about complimentary admissions and how they work. I hope this article provides some clarity to those of you who need it. Also, be aware that most of the wording you’re reading right now is often used in different contexts. To a lot of people, you might have a “gift-card-included” free admission.
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