UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers – Download PDF

This is to notify all candidate in search for UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions of Nursing Entrance and answers online and has been stranded. All because of the inability to get what you desired, but the GOOD NEWS is website has an updated Entrance Examination past question paper for all UDUTH School of Nursing candidates who are in line to write the Institution examination. As wise men say Proper Preparation leads to Success. Therefore, follow the guidelines below to get yours as soon as possible.

Download UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions

As we always emphasize of the importance of the UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions and also the answers, this is what makes you different from other students, there some student who always depends on their limited knowledge forgetting to apply extra one to enable them to overcome any question the might come across, and when they go to sit for an exam and faced what they do not expect, what happens, they might fail because they are not fully prepared for the entrance examination.

See also: UDUTH School of Nursing Admission Form

NOTE: these past questions you are about to purchase on this page is a PDF soft copy material that has been compiled from the past year’s entrance examination. It consists of four subject combinations and they include:

If you are one of those who keep wondering why you need a past question in order to succeed, I am here to give you the reasons with UDUTH School of Nursing past questions and answers.

See, I am not trying to cajole you into getting the UDUTH School of Nursing  past questions and answers, but to make you see reasons why this is the best and most sensible thing to do if you wish to secure the admission with ease.

Reasons Why You Need the UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers

Now, here are a number of reasons why getting the UDUTH School of Nursing past questions and answers is the best investment you can make:

  • It enlightens you on the scope of exam
  • You won’t be in the dark about questions to expect in the examination.
  • It guides you and helps you to be confident in yourself
  • You won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.
  • Equips you beforehand.
  • Guides you on how to answer exam technical questions
  • The past questions serve as a guide, giving you an insight into how the exams are set, and the accompanying answers help you to be adequately prepared for the screening.

Over the years, studies have shown that these questions keep repeating themselves. So, equipping yourself with the knowledge of how these questions are set helps you to be prepared beforehand and stay ahead of competition.

Sample Nursing School Past Questions and Answers

The sample nursing past questions have been uploaded on this page for free. Interested individuals can now go through the free version of this material. To get the complete and updated version of this material, kindly follow the steps below on how to purchase to get your copy. Note that this material is in PDF version and will be sent to your email address after a successful payment.

  1. Which of the following organs or cell components are common to both the sporophyte and the ametophyte of a fern?
    A. rhizoids
    B. roots
    C. chloroplasts
    D. leaves
  2. In which of the following organisms does a single cell perform all the function of movement, nutrition, growth, excretion and photosynthesis?
    A. paramecium
    B. euglena
    C. amoeba
    D. spirogyra
  3. In which of the following organisms would glycogen be stored?
    A. spirogyra
    B. clamydomonas
    C rattus
    D. magnifera
  4. The most successful group of animals in terms of diversity of species is
    A. mollusca
    B. arthropoda
    C. mammalian
    D. playthehelminthes
  5. Flame cells are the
    A. excretory system of worm
    B. excretory and respiratory system of earthworms
    C. excretory system of flatworm
    D. excretory system of flatworms
  6. Which of the following parts of a cell is living?
    A. cell wall
    B. mitochondria
    C. food vacuole
    D. calcium oxalate
  7. The main function of blood in mammals is to transport
    A. excretory materials from tissues
    B. carbon oxide from lungs to tissues
    C. digested food from all the body tissues
    D. oxygen to the lungs
  8. Members of the phylum protozoa use the contractile vacuole
    A. to remove excess food
    B. for movement
    C. for digestion
    D. to remove excess water
  9. The response shown by the tips of the root and shoot of a plant to the stimulus of gravity is
    A. haptropisrn
    B. phototropism
    C. hydrotropism
    D. geotropism
  10. Which of the following is the correct order of the vertebrae along the spinal column?
    A. axis atlas thoracic lumbar cervical sacral
    B. atlas cervical axis thoracic lumbar sacral
    C. atlas axis cervical thoracic lumbar sacral
    D. axis cervical thoracic sacral lumbar.

How to Download UDUTH Past Questions and Answers

If you are really interested in purchasing UDUTH School of Nursing Past Questions and Answers, then l’m going to have to help you but will also require sincerity and honesty on your part too. This will go a long way to improving your exam preparatory skill. You will understand the pattern of the aptitude test exams and how it is conducted in the University.

For instance, if you are taking exams for Engineering, you will be required to purchase at least four subjects which are;

  • Use of English
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

The cost of the newly updated UNIUYO Past Questions and Answers is 2000.00 naira only for the four subject’s combination.

Method of Payment

In other to get the material delivered to your mail box in PDF format, you are to make a bank deposit of 2000 naira to the following bank details:

  • Account Number: 0256484873
  • Account Name: Godwin Akpan Ibanga
  • Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank plc (GTBank)

After payment, please send in the name of the school, course of study, and your email address through text to our agent on 07034920650, or 07085595761, and we will forward the preferred past questions and answers to you in PDF format.

Additionally, you can call/chat us on WhatsApp on 07034920650 before and after payment to avoid confusion.

You can meet us through Facebook @ https://web.facebook.com/godwin.ibanga1

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