
Why Is My Dog Vomiting?

When you own a dog, you’re signing up for the unending list of weird and wonderful things they do. One of the most concerning things your dog could do is vomit.

It’s not a pleasant sight, but there are many reasons why dogs vomit that aren’t serious. However, if left untreated, it can lead to further complications or even death in some cases. Here we look at why is your dog vomiting and what to do if your dog keeps vomiting.

If your dog vomits once in a while after eating their favorite chew toy or shredding their birthday present from you, then it’s nothing to worry about.


Dogs tend to throw up when their stomach hurts, so it’s very common for them to re-ingest the contents of their stomach in order to relieve pain or discomfort.

However, if your dog vomits more frequently and shows other signs such as lethargy (being sleepy all the time) or loss of appetite along with constant retching of food followed by vomiting; then this could indicate something more serious…

If your dog is throwing up, the first thing you want to know is why. Is it because they ate something bad? Did they drink too much water? Or are they in pain? If your dog is vomiting frequently, or if their vomit smells like blood or mucus, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible.


Even if your dog only vomits once, any vomiting can be a sign that something isn’t right. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why dogs vomit. If your dog vomits more than once or has other symptoms, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, and increased thirst or urination, contact your vet for further advice.

Motion Sickness

If your dog has been experiencing a lot of car travel lately, they might be suffering from motion sickness. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons why dogs vomit.

Vomiting as a result of motion sickness is usually intermittent, and usually happens about an hour after the car has started moving. The dog may also show signs of lethargy and confusion, which is why you should be careful driving with your dog if they are prone to motion sickness.

If your dog is vomiting due to motion sickness, the best thing to do is switch to a preventative medication, such as meclizine. Most dogs respond well to this, but you should always check with your vet before giving your dog any medication.

Eating Too Much

Some dogs overeat, either because they’re bored or because they’re trying to show dominance over their owner. In other cases, they might be trying to make themselves feel better when they’re feeling nauseous. If your dog eats too much, they might experience vomiting.

If this happens, it’s important for you to take them to the vet as soon as possible, as eating too much can be life-threatening. If you know your dog is prone to overeating, you should try to put a stop to it as soon as possible. Either feed them smaller meals or put them on a feeding schedule.

Dietary Changes

If you’ve recently switched your dog’s diet, they may start vomiting as a result. This can happen even if you’ve only switched them to a diet product with the same brand.

Some dogs may have allergies, intolerance, or digestive issues that cause them to vomit when they are given certain foods. If you have recently changed your dog’s diet and they start vomiting, you should stop feeding them the new food until you have spoken to your vet.

Even if your dog’s vomiting has nothing to do with the diet, they may have an infection, parasites, or some kind of digestive issue that your vet can help you deal with.

If the change in diet is a result of your dog vomiting and having diarrhea, you should take them to the vet immediately. Your vet may recommend a trip to the emergency vet or hospital to receive fluids, IV medication, and electrolytes.


If your dog is vomiting and struggling to keep down fluids, they could be dehydrated. Dehydration can occur for several reasons, including diarrhea or vomiting.

Vomiting and diarrhea can cause your dog to lose a lot of fluids because not only do they not have time to digest the food properly, but they also lose fluids through the vomit and diarrhea. Your dog can become dehydrated for other reasons, too.

They may not be drinking enough due to lethargy or a change in diet. They may also be spending too much time in the sun without access to water. If your dog is vomiting and struggling to keep down fluids, you should take them to the vet immediately.

Pain or Illness

If your dog has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or a degenerative condition, they may be vomiting due to the pain. If your dog has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness, you should take them to the vet regularly for pain management.

This can help to reduce or stop vomiting. Vomiting can also be a symptom of an infectious disease, such as parvovirus or distemper. In this case, it’s extremely important to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

If your dog has recently had a vaccine or been treated for an illness, there is a possibility that they are vomiting due to the side effects. In this case, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible to get them treated.

Stress and Anxiety

If your dog has recently undergone physical or psychological stress, they may vomit as a result of their body’s response to the change. If your dog has been through a traumatic experience, they may start to vomit as a result of stress.

This can happen if they have been to the vet recently, been boarded at a kennel, or been through any other kind of traumatic situation. Vomiting can also be a result of anxiety. If your dog is apprehensive about something, they may vomit. This can happen during a thunderstorm, when they are left alone too long, or in response to any other stressor.

Other Possible Reasons for Vomiting in Dogs

If your dog has recently been dropped off at a kennel. Kennels are not the best place for dogs, especially if they are not used to being in them.

The stress of the situation can cause vomiting. If your dog has recently been vaccinated. Vaccines can cause mild side effects, including vomiting. If your dog has recently been spayed or neutered. Some dogs vomit as a result of the surgery.

If your dog has recently had diarrhea. Diarrhea can cause vomiting. If your dog has recently had worms. Worms can cause vomiting.

If your dog has recently eaten something they shouldn’t have eaten. Eating something they shouldn’t have can cause vomiting. If your dog has been in a stressful situation. Any kind of stress can cause vomiting.

Bottom line

If your dog is vomiting, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Even if they only vomit once, it’s important to find out why, because vomiting can be a sign of serious illness.

Vomiting can be a symptom of several different illnesses, so it’s important to identify the cause of it as soon as possible. With the help of your vet, you should be able to find out what’s causing the vomiting and help your dog get better.


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