
How to Prepare for a Scholarship Interview

One can fail an interview already even before arriving at the interview arena. This is because of inappropriate preparation. However, in this article we will give you various useful tips on how to prepare for a scholarship interview and win it as well.

How to Prepare for a Scholarship Interview

Preparing for your interview

How much work can you really expect to put in to prepare for a scholarship interview? If you have to play the games, it is going to be difficult to secure money for your college education. But with the right amount of preparation, the process is made more manageable. You do not need to look far to find templates for essays, mock interviews, and more.


I recommend spending at least 20-30 minutes reading about scholarship options available to you. You can do so at an amazing free resource like

It is also wise to attend some informational workshops or gatherings, and learn more about the organizations offering scholarships. You will be surprised by the number of opportunities out there.

What to Expect During the interview

The best way to prepare for the scholarship interview is to plan in advance so you can be fully prepared. So, what do you need to know? While the rules regarding requirements for each scholarship are specific, here are a few tips to prepare you for a successful interview. Set yourself up for success.



There is a huge difference between giving a canned answer, a logical response, and giving a genuine answer. Instead of putting forth what the committee wants to hear, practice answers to questions that will resonate with the interviewer. Ideally, you want your response to be considered the best you could have given, given the circumstances.

Why you should do a Mock Interview

After I won my most prestigious award, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Fellowship, I found myself repeating those very same fears from my interview ordeal.

Most of my peers were contemplating whether or not they should get a mock interview because they were afraid of failing and finding out later that they did not get the scholarship they applied for.


I finally found the courage to address my fears and attempt to alleviate my stress. These mock interviews are a crucial step in preparing for the real thing. With your questions answered, it will be easier for you to present your genuine self during the actual interview process.

Handling the Stress of an Interview

If you are one of those nervous types who fear that their face will betray their true feelings, consider the following options to help you feel more relaxed.

The key to surviving an interview is being able to be yourself and shine your brightest during the interview. Since you are about to give away the most precious thing you have, take a moment to be confident and comfortable! Here are five key tips to help you shine in a scholarship interview:


  1. Prep before you go. The best way to get in the zone is to study up! Before you enter the room, read over your responses to the essay questions from the applicant and university and know what information to answer and how. Write out your answers in the format of the essay and have your answers in a clear, easy-to-read style.


Don’t let nerves and stress prevent you from competing for scholarships or entrance into selective colleges. The next few days, weeks and months leading up to an interview will require an extreme amount of time, patience and commitment, but if you are proactive about your education and approach the process with a positive attitude, it will be well worth the effort.



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