
How to Print ACT Admission Ticket | Step By Step Guide

How to Print ACT Admission Ticket | If you are looking to print an admission ticket for the American College Testing (ACT) exam, then this post is for you. The ACT website offers some great resources and has a lot of information on how to get your tickets printed. I have compiled a list of steps that will help walk you through the process of printing out your admission tickets!

How to Print ACT Admission Ticket

Check the website for ACT Admission Tickets

This step is the key to getting admission tickets printed for the exam. I want you to be able to print out tickets by simply going to the admissions website and then clicking on the admission tickets link at the top of the page. You can do this from most browsers that you may have on your computer, even mobile devices.


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The next time that you are on the ACT website, click on the top of the page that says “Next Page” and select the “Print” option. There should be a big button that says “Print Admission Ticket” in the center of the page, under the date and time and name of the test. Click this button. On the next page, there should be an options to print pictures (non-English), with a few prices to choose from.

Find out the Delivery Options

It is important to know that you have different options for how you can obtain your admission tickets. It can be anything from getting them shipped to you or having them sent directly to your high school. The first option is to have them mailed directly to you, as mentioned above.


The next option is to get them shipped to your high school and have your high school mail them to you. It is always best to have them mailed to you if possible, and this method is quicker and more convenient than having them sent to your high school.

The other option, which is the most common method, is to have them shipped to your school. Make sure to check the address you used when registering and that it is still good.

Find your Test date and Click “Order”

Use your Printz Select or password protected login to order your tickets. Enter your order information Set up your shipping info When your tickets are ready, they will be shipped to you in an envelope. When they arrive, you can save them to a USB Drive, print them out, and save them to your ACT Account.

If you haven’t filled out your Account information, make sure you do that before ordering. Click here to get started! Note: If you need to purchase multiple tickets, enter your order information again and follow the steps above. You will be able to save the tickets to your ACT account and print them out individually.

Click here to buy your tickets online! Click here for more information about the ACT exam. See more American College Testing resources.

Choose your Ticket Type

Select an seat in Room C12: Just like other colleges, ACT provides you with a certain number of tickets that you are assigned to a specific seat. As of January 2014, there are only 1370 seats assigned to all 10 test dates. If you want to pick the exact seat you will be sitting in, then you have the option of printing out your ticket from the ACT Test Center, in Room C12.

How to Print ACT Admission Ticket

If you want to print out your ticket from a local high school or college, then you will want to download their ticket and print from there. (BONUS!) Select your seating location Choose where you would like your seat to be. The best seats are the first seats right by the test taker start line. The BEST seats are the seats that have available seating.

Choose your Ticket Quantity

You can buy tickets in 4 different seating blocks at varying price points. To choose your ticket quantity, you will need to determine the price point you want to get your ticket at. We recommend getting your tickets at a lower price point (say $15) and getting a few extra at a higher price point (say $30).

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This way, you can print off a couple more tickets if you happen to have extra money and get yourself extra time on test day to finish up. The lower the price point, the lower the quantity. So it’s important that you find the right price point. For example, you might want to go with $30 tickets if you are planning to take the ACT multiple times. $15 tickets would be unnecessary as your score will not affect future score eligibility. How to Print ACT Admission Ticket

Choose which Email Address to Send the Ticket to

First, you need to register your mailing address with ACT. Go to the ACT admission website and fill out the information, and select the appropriate processing option. If you are doing it on your own, there is no charge. If you need assistance, you can call ACT’s toll-free number 1-800-837-2551.

You must be an ACT student. Only students who are registered for the ACT exam are eligible to have admission tickets printed. If you’re not a student, then it might not be possible to have admissions tickets printed. However, you can get additional tickets. Just use this code: ID123 (do not use the space). Fill out the Request for Admission form A PDF copy of the Request for Admission (RFA) form is located on the admissions page.

Review your Order Before Completing Checkout

First, make sure you review your order and make sure you have the proper order number/payment information on your order. I didn’t review mine before creating an account and sending it to ACT. Once you have your order number and password, you can login and complete your order in the ACT admission ticket form page. Pricing For the prices I mention, you can order tickets for the regular price (for standard test day) or for the student rate ($44 + tax), which is available for ACT test dates in November or February. The student pricing will only apply to tickets purchased directly through ACT. If you purchase an admission ticket through your college’s bookstore, the student price will apply and cost $43 + tax, while the standard price will apply.

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Get Ready to Download and Print!

Step 1: Visit the ‘Downloads’ tab of the ACT’s ‘Print’ page and find your ACT registration.

Step 2: Check the box labeled “Print for a friend” if you are planning on printing more than one admission ticket.

Step 3: Your download will begin. Wait a few minutes and see your tickets arrive in the mail. Once you receive them, follow the steps below.

Step 4: Open the admission ticket and print the ticket to the designated size.

Step 5: Keep the admission ticket in a secure place or print a copy of your ticket to include in your college application. Thank you for visiting!


If you have not applied to the ACT, then this post is for you. All of the steps listed above are needed in order to successfully apply to the ACT. After you apply, I would love to hear some of the questions you have about the test. If you have any questions, or want to check the status of your application, then you can always contact the ACT.


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