
How to Make a Basic Macrame Keychain

Macrame Keychain‍ – You may have seen macrame and keychains like these in souvenir shops and tourist areas. They’re a common sight anywhere tourists go because they are easy to make and sell well.

Macrame keychains are a great project for beginners because there isn’t much you need to make them. All you need is some macrame string, a marker, scissors, and a needle or pin to finish it off.

Whether you’re planning on selling your creations to friends, family members, or another business opportunity such as an Etsy store, this tutorial will teach you how to make a simple keychain using basic macrame techniques.


In addition to the supplies listed above, you will also need some scrap fabric or felt if you want to personalize your finished keychains with embroidery or fabric markers.

What is Macrame?

Macrame is one of the oldest textile crafts, and its name comes from the Spanish word ‘marrar’, which means ‘to knot’. It is a type of textile knotting, a craft where two or more strings are woven together in patterns to create various decorative items.

Macrame was very popular in the 1960s, and it has experienced a resurgence in recent years as more people are seeking out eco-friendly and sustainable crafts. The basic premise behind macrame is that you create patterns out of string by weaving the strings together.


There are many different patterns that are used in macrame, and the patterns are created with the use of a macrame board, which is a tool that holds the strings in place and has pre-cut holes where you weave the strings through.

As a beginner, you do not need a macrame board to make your simple, basic Keychain. Instead, you will simply use a piece of cardboard and a pencil to mark the holes and where you will weave the string through.

How long does it take to make a macrame keychain?

You may have seen macrame and keychains like these in souvenir shops and tourist areas. They’re a common sight anywhere tourists go because they are easy to make and sell well. Macrame keychains are a great project for beginners because there isn’t much you need to make them.

All you need is some macrame string, a marker, scissors, and a needle or pin to finish it off. Whether you’re planning on selling your creations to friends, family members, or another business opportunity such as an Etsy store, this tutorial will teach you how to make a simple keychain using basic macrame techniques.

In addition to the supplies listed above, you will also need some scrap fabric or felt if you want to personalize your finished keychains with embroidery or fabric markers.

Why Make DIY Macramé Keychains? 

If you need an excuse to make a custom keychain—or if you make one and get obsessed and want reasons to make a dozen more—here you go:

  • Create a cute keychain for the house- and pet-sitter
  • Give as housewarming gifts, new car congrats, birthday gifts, gift wrap add-ons and stocking stuffers
  • Make a keychain for just your car key to turn over to a valet or when you take it in for service 
  • Update the keychain you’ve had since forever
  • Decorate your backpack or purse
  • Create the snazziest luggage tag on the baggage carousel
  • Give a set of keys to a trusted neighbor so when you lock yourself out you don’t have to break in to your own place

Step 1: Cut and Mark Your String

The first thing you want to do is cut a long piece of string. When making macrame keychains, it is best to use a thicker string than normal craft string, as it will be stronger and will last longer. You can use yarn or thicker embroidery thread for this project.

Next, you will mark the string where it will be woven through the holes on the cardboard. To do this, take your pencil and mark holes spaced out evenly across the length of your string.

The holes should be about 2 inches apart. This distance will vary depending on the size of your cardboard and the size of your string, so make sure to check the measurements of your string and the measurements of your cardboard before marking the string.

Step 2: Create the Knots

Now you’re ready to create your knots! To make the knots, take the end of the string and weave it through the first hole and then take the end of the string and weave it back through the hole, creating a simple knot. You can use any pattern you like when making these knots, but most people create a criss-cross pattern when making a keychain.

The criss-cross pattern is simple, easy to do, and looks great. To make the criss-cross pattern, take the string and weave it through the hole to the right, back through the hole to the left, and then weave it through the hole to the right again. Repeat this pattern until you reach the end of the string.

Step 3: Making the Keychain Ring

Next, you will create the ring at the end of the string. Take one of the loose ends of your string and wrap it around the first knot that you made. You want to wrap the string around the knot one time.

You will then take the loose end of string and weave it through the hole that is beside the knot you wrapped. You’ll then take the other loose end of string and weave it through the same hole beside the knot that you just used. When you are finished, you will have a loose end of string on each side of the knot.

Step 4: Adding a Tassel

Now you want to create the tassel at the end of the string. To do this, take one of the loose ends of string and wrap it around the edge of the string two or three times. You may want to wrap the string around the edge of the string more times if you are wrapping a thicker string.

Once you have wrapped the string around the edge of the string, take the loose end of string and tuck it inside the string itself near the knot. Repeat this process for the other side of the string. Once you’re done with that, you need to tie the loose ends of the string together so they stay in place and don’t undo the tassel.

You can do this by taking one loose end of the string and looping it through the other loose end of the string. You can then take a third piece of string and tie it around the two loose ends of string where they are looped through each other. This will keep the loose ends tied together and prevent them from coming undone.

Final Words

Now you have your macrame keychain! You can make them in whatever color or pattern you like. You can also personalize them with embroidery or fabric markers. If you plan on selling these, you can put a business name on the keychain or make them with an image. Whatever you choose to do, macrame keychains are a great craft for beginners because there isn’t much you need to make them.


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