Prospective Students looking for a school should check out this website. It offers a great deal of information about the school and it’s offerings. is the premier college search engine for prospective students and their parents. It provides a simple, quick, and effective way to find colleges that match your needs.
What does it mean to be a Prospective Student?
Prospective Students should be prepared to spend two days being educated on the school, what it offers, what it isn’t, and what it takes to apply. The open house day is also very important for Prospective Students.
They must spend some time on the school’s website and decide if it’s the right choice. If they like what they see, they should be ready to make an on-line application, which is due on or around October 15, 2015.
It is also a good idea for Prospective Students to reach out to a local high school guidance counsellor who can answer many questions and will help them get prepared.
Section 2: What are some features of an online school that may be appealing to potential students?
Many online schools offer courses in high school that are not offered in the local area.
What are the requirements for being a Prospective Student?
All prospective students have to complete the following information:
1. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
2. Home Address
3. Parent or Guardianal Name
4. Mother’s or Father’s First Name
5. Father’s or Mother’s First Name and Phone Number
6. Texts
7. Email Address
8. Address (city, state, and zip code)
9. Race
10. Sex
11. Financial Aid Aid Eligibility
12. Parent or Guardian’s Statement of Financial Need
13. Child and Dependent’s Names and Birthdays
14. Birth Control Policy (Medical, Hormonal, or Non-Hormonal)
15. Age of Child (Approx. Should be 14 years old or younger)
16. Education Goals
17. SAT Score
18. High School Subject Requirement
19. English Language Proficiency
20. Parental Knowledge of English (completed questions to assess knowledge)
What are the benefits of being a Prospective Student?
All that you will have to put forth to get accepted is an application fee. Any school worth attending also requires that you have a general scholarship (but this is usually just around $1,000).
Then the school has the final say of whether or not you are accepted. The main advantages to being a Prospective Student are that you have one foot in the door.
Once you are accepted, you are more likely to get a lot of financial aid, and hopefully, more aid than any of your other siblings who are already accepted. If you are accepted, you are not locked into a school for the next four years. Also, you can study at a school and not have to live on campus which may be helpful for medical situations or for other reasons.
I am looking to be accepted to a school. I really think I should be admitted.
How do I become a Prospective Student?
These are the steps that you should follow if you wish to apply to a certain school and you are a new student:
Prospective Student needs to go to school and talk to the admissions officer or student rep for the school. Application is required to go to school. After you are approved to be a prospective student you should go to the school and speak with a recruiter for the school.
You may or may not apply to a school directly. Applicants should have a transcript from an accredited school showing that they have completed three years of college level course work.
Apply to the college of your choice to be considered a prospective student. Start at any school you wish and you can apply to as many schools as you would like. Admit you are an applicant.
Requirements for Registration
To be able to register for school, a student must obtain a School Prep Book (purchased at the high school), complete the application (including the forms that need to be signed by the parents, the documents that need to be produced, etc.), have proof of residency (tax returns, utility bills, letters, etc.), and pay the enrollment fee.
Completing all the necessary information
A student may visit to get an idea of what to bring in to school when registering. You can then also use the checklist provided to check whether you have complied with all the requirements.
A more detailed list of the details on registration is available on the High School Registration page of the website.
Benefits of Registration
As a prospective student, you have the opportunity to register for classes with a summer graduation, if you choose. This is one of the benefits that you will receive when registering for classes in this way.
Students with summer classes should not hesitate to register for their classes as they can benefit from having their summer classes completed before starting college.
Note: Make sure to read this first.
Possible penalties for not registering
No one likes to receive a zero on their transcript, but it is possible to be penalized if you register for summer classes. One student that I spoke with was never able to register for summer classes because they had to go back to work after being on a break.
This is only one way of looking at finding the right school for your child. Do what you have to do to figure out the best method for your child. Remember, you don’t have to settle for a bad school. You do have to find one that is right for your child. What kind of environment your child will be a part of is critical to the success of your child.
Join us next week when we look at a new study, how to find the right school for your child.
Brian is a father, teacher, and coach in a suburban community.
Learn more at: Advice for Coaches by Brian Antilla.
You can also follow Brian on Twitter @Coach__Antilla.
This article was originally published on AllUSC Recruiting and has been republished here with permission.
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