Roles of Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)

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Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria, TRCN is an agency of the Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria. It was established by the TRCN Decree N0. 31 of 1993 (now TRCN Act CAP T3 of 2004). The major mandates are the regulation and control of the Teaching Profession at all levels of the Nigerian Education system, both in the public and private sectors..


Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria | Bestschoolnews
Nigerian Journal of Professional Teachers (NJPT) To promote the exchange of ideas/best practices and to lead the development of knowledge, skills and orientation in the teaching profession, TRCN has instituted an annual journal titled Nigerian Journal of Professional Teachers (NJPT), Click to Download Call for Papers and NJPT Paper Writing Guide.


The Council was established by Decree 31 of 1993 (now Act CAP T3 of 2004). Several decades of agitation by professional teachers and other stakeholders for the establishment of a regulatory agency led to the enactment of the Act. The Act in section 1(1) charged the Council with the following responsibilities: see how to Download TRCN Exams Past Questions and Answers

  • i. Determining who are teachers for the purpose of this Act.
  • ii. Determining what standards of knowledge and skills are to be attained by persons seeking to become registered as teachers under this Act and raising those standards from time to time as circumstances may permit.
  • iii. Securing in accordance with the provisions of this Act the establishment and maintenance of a register of teachers and the publication from time to time of the lists of those persons.
  • iv. Regulating and controlling the teaching profession in all its aspects and ramifications.
  • v. Classifying from time to time members of the teaching profession according to their level of training and qualification.
  • vi. Performing through the Council established under this Act the functions conferred on it by this Act.


The TRCN Act has far-reaching implications for the teaching profession. This reality can be appreciated by the fact that the content of the TRCN Act is one and the same with the contents of the Acts that established the Councils that regulate and control the professions of Law, Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy, etc.

It suffices therefore to state that teachers will henceforth undergo all those necessary intellectual, professional, moral, social and even psychological rigors characteristic of the other noble professions and which have set them far apart from quacks and lay people.

Also, as it is applicable to the other professions, no category of teachers is exempted from regulation and control no matter how highly placed .

It is obvious that all medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, pharmacists, etc at all levels of our national life, both in the public and private sectors submit to the provisions of the Acts regulating their respective professions.

In the same way, all persons who perform jobs that rightly and legally constitute teaching as well as those who administer teaching and learning in the Nigerian education system must be trained teachers, registered and regulated.


In accordance with the TRCN legal provisions and conventions common to the professional regulatory agencies, the Council is systematically implementing the following programmes and activities:

  • Registration and licensing of qualified teachers.
  • Accreditation, monitoring and supervision of the courses and programmes of teacher training institutions in Nigeria to ensure that they meet national and international minimum standards. The institutions include the Colleges of Education, Faculties and Institutes of Education in Nigerian universities, Schools of Education in the Polytechnics, and the National Teachers Institute.
  • Organisation of Internship Schemes for fresh Education graduates to equip them with the necessary professional skills before licensing them for full professional practice.
  • Conduct of professional examinations and interviews to determine teachers suitable for registration. This clearly shows that the existing practice of registering teachers upon presentation of certificates alone is a grace and Council has fixed April 1 st , 2007 for the commencement of the professional qualifying examinations. All those unable to take advantage of the grace must have to write and pass challenging examinations before they can be registered.
  • Execution of Mandatory Continuing Professional Education (MCPE) to guarantee that teachers keep abreast of developments in the theory and practice of the profession.
  • Organisation of Annual Conference of Registered Teachers which is the first of its kind in Nigeria and intended to unite all teachers irrespective of social class or the level of education system to which they belong.
  • Publication of a register of qualified and licensed teachers in Nigeria which will be a public document displayed and obtainable from the Local Government through State to the Federal offices. The register will also be on the World Wide Web for the consumption of the international community.
  • Enforcement of ethical conduct among teachers and the prosecution of erring ones using the Teachers Tribunal which has powers under law to award punishments.
  • Prosecution in the law court of unqualified persons performing the job of teachers in contravention of the TRCN Act section 17(2).
  • Act as the voice of the voiceless teachers and continuously initiate/actualize public policies and practices that will reposition the teaching profession in Nigeria as first among equals.

TRCN Mission & Vision


An effectively regulated teaching profession in Nigeria founded upon robust teacher education and practice and where teacher quality, discipline, professionalism, reward and dignity match international standards


To assure excellence and professionalism among teachers at all levels of the nation’s education system, using effective registration, licensing, accreditation, monitoring and supervision of teacher education programmes, promoting continuing professional development and maintenance of discipline as paradigms for the overall renaissance of the teaching profession in Nigeria.

TRCN Code of Conduct

The Teachers Code of Conduct was first published in the year 2004 and lot of efforts went into the development of that first edition. For instance, the TRCN secretariat and the Governing Board as well as the agencies and institutions represented on the Board participated in crafting the edition.

TRCN also carried out researches into the nature of the Codes of Conduct in other well established professions. The maiden edition of the Teachers Code of Conduct, therefore, was widely regarded as very excellent.

Not withstanding the acclaimed quality of the maiden edition, TRCN thought it wise to still circulate the Code to as many stakeholders as possible for inputs.

This was because TRCN believed that professional conduct is a most sensitive and important issue requiring an overwhelming consensus so that all stakeholders could be unequivocally committed to its enforcement. In the process, the Code was sent to over four hundred agencies and institutions for study and suggestions.

These included the Federal Ministry of Education and most of its agencies dealing with teachers, all State Ministries of Education, State Primary Education Boards, Secondary Education Management Boards, Teaching Service Commissions, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, Faculties and Institutes of Education of Nigerian universities, etc.

Composition of TRCN Board

The Board is the policy making arm, which regulates the vision, mission, goals and targets to be pursued by TRCN. It checks and balances the activities of Management and reserves the right to approve or disapprove significant undertakings by TRCN.

The TRCN Act also provided for a broad-based governing board which ensures that all relevant stakeholders in the teaching profession are adequately represented. Few other agencies have such wide spectrum of representation and large membership.Below is the list of membership as provided by the law:

They will be elected in rotation among the various states of the Federation and be appointed for a term of two years by the Federal Ministry of Education.


TRCN Registration Procedures

On the top right side on our website click on Generate RRR NO. or click Here fill the form and generate RRR number, take the RRR number to any of the banks and fill the teller as instructed below and make payment.

The following are the payment process into Teachers Registration Council Treasury Single account with Central Bank of Nigeria:

Customers should visit any of the following Banks to make payment:

United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA)
Fidelity Bank Plc
Zenith Bank Plc
Guaranty Trust Bank Plc
Skye Bank Plc
Sterling Bank Plc
Access Bank Plc
Heritage Bank
First Bank Plc
WEMA Bank Plc
ECO Bank Plc
First City Monument Bank Plc
Diamond Bank Plc
Unity Bank Plc
Union Bank Plc
Standbic IBTC
Standard Chartered

Fill the deposit slip and ensure you provide the following information;
Account Name: Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria

Depositor’s name: (as the case may be)

Purpose of payment:(Please chose correctly from the following service type/purpose)-

Annual licence Renewal Fees

Registration Fees

Sale of Nigerian Journal of Professional Teachers

Professional Standing Fees

Proceed from Boarded Items

Sale of Government Assets

Income from Issuance of Staff ID card

Income from Sublet of Office Premises Refund

Tender Fees

Contract Registration Fees


Sale of Teachers Register


Phone number/e-mail address.

Date of payment.


Please note that there is no need to provide an account number.

NB: Inform the bank staff processing the transaction that the payment is to be made through Remita.

Visit any of TRCN Office close to you with your teller/invoice and you will be issued a cash collection receipt to enable you process your registration.

Ph.D in Education or
Ph.D in other field +
M.Ed/MSc (Ed) or
Masters in other field
B.Sc (Ed)/B.Ed or
Degree in other field +
Letter of Professional Standing – N40,000

State Office

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