Hire a Work Injury Lawyer to Help You Get The Compensation You Deserve.

By | January 9, 2024

If you suffer an injury on the job, do you have a legal case against your employer? In most cases, yes. Work injury are covered by various state laws that protect employee safety and prevent employers from risking workers’ health for the sake of profit.

If you’ve been hurt on the job, there are many things to consider. You’ll want to begin by understanding your rights as an employee and what benefits you are entitled to if you become injured during work hours. The following is information about hiring a work injury lawyer if you have been hurt while on the job.

Know Your Rights.

For starters, you should know that you’re entitled to workers’ compensation if you’re injured on the job. In some states, this comes from a government-funded program, but in others, it comes from your employer. It’s insurance that covers medical costs and a percentage of your lost wages should you be unable to work due to a work injury.


Certain workplace injuries come with additional rights, however, including discrimination and wrongful termination. You should also know that you have a right to a safe workplace and can refuse to do a job that puts you in danger.

Types of Workplace Injuries

Depending on the nature of your job and the frequency with which you work with certain materials, you have a higher risk of injury. Some common workplace injuries include the following:

– Animal Bites: If you work in the health care field or with animals, you are at a higher risk of receiving a bite. Health care workers are often bitten when treating pets or cleaning cages at a zoo.


– Burns: Burns are usually caused by accidents with hot liquids, open flames, or chemicals. Be mindful of the dangers of working with these substances and follow safety regulations.

– Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: This occurs when a joint becomes inflamed, leading to pain and numbness in the hands and wrists. If these symptoms persist, you may need surgery or other treatment.

– Musculoskeletal Disorders: Also known as “MSDs,” these disorders affect your muscles and bones. They’re most common among workers in physically demanding fields, like construction and landscaping.

– Cuts and Lacerations: This can occur if you’re not careful while handling sharp objects like knives or scissors. You can also receive a cut while moving heavy pieces of furniture or equipment.

– Struck by Objects: This can happen if you’re hit by falling objects, such as bricks or lumber, or if you’re hit by a car as you’re leaving work.

– Falls: Falls are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries. You’re at risk of falling if you work at a construction site, on a ladder or uneven ground.

– Electrical Hazards: Power surges, short circuits, and electric shocks are common workplace injuries caused by faulty wires or other equipment.

– Diseases: You can’t always prevent contracting a disease, but you can take steps to avoid spreading it to others. Keep a clean workspace and wear protective equipment like masks to avoid spreading germs.

File a Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you’ve been hurt at work, you should file a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible. This is a common way to receive financial assistance for medical costs and lost wages while you’re out of work. You have a limited amount of time to file a claim after the accident, so make sure you do so as soon as you can.

You may be asked to provide medical proof of your injuries and may be asked to speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer from your employer’s legal team.

If your company doesn’t offer workers’ compensation, you may have other options for receiving help, including filing a claim under your homeowner’s insurance policy or seeking legal assistance. You may also be able to sue your employer for damages, but this may take longer to process.

Hiring a Work Injury Lawyer

If your employer isn’t helpful or you’re worried they may try to drag out the workers’ compensation claim, you may want to hire a work injury lawyer. These are experienced professionals who can help you receive the compensation you deserve.

You have the right to consult a lawyer, but you should understand that this may prolong the process. Your employer may try to pressure you into settling sooner and for less money by threatening to drag out the case.

If you do decide to hire a work injury lawyer, be sure to select one with experience handling these kinds of cases. Some lawyers specialize in particular industries, such as construction or manufacturing, while others may handle a variety of cases.

Your Rights When You Are Injured On the Job

If you’re injured at work, you have a right to certain things, including:

– Medical Care: Your employer must provide you with medical care for your injury, including visits to a doctor or physical therapist. If you’re unable to work due to your injury, your employer must provide you with medical leave.

– Full-time Work: If you’re temporarily disabled due to your injury, you may be entitled to full-time work with benefits. This is called “temporary total disability” and is usually provided after a few months of part-time work.

– Workers’ Compensation: If you’re injured at work, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation. Workers’ comp pays for lost wages, medical costs, and other expenses related to your injury.

– Disability Leave: If you sustain a serious injury that keeps you out of work for an extended period, you may be entitled to disability leave with full pay. This is granted after one year of part-time work.

– Right to Sue Your Employer: You have the right to take your employer to court if you believe they haven’t followed the law.


The last thing anyone wants to do is get hurt on the job, but the reality is that it happens. If you’re hurt or become ill at work, you have the right to certain types of assistance from your employer.

If you become injured at work, you should know your rights as an employee and what benefits you are entitled to. You should also know that you have a right to a safe workplace. Most importantly, if you’re hurt on the job, you should know how to proceed to receive the assistance you deserve.


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