
How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in the Kitchen

Getting rid of Cockroaches in the kitchen might prove challenging. When you are the only person in your household that is afraid of creepy crawly things (like cockroaches), it can be tempting to just ignore those nasty little critters whenever they appear. But that’s not a good idea.

Instead, you need to take action as soon as you see a cockroach so they don’t have time to make themselves comfortable in your home. To help you get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen fast, we’ve put together some excellent advice about how you can tackle this problem more effectively. The sooner you take action, the easier it will be for you to eliminate cockroaches from your home forever.


Three Ways to Get Rid Of Cockroaches in the Kitchen


1. Be Careful Where You Store Food

Most people don’t realize this but storing your food in the wrong place can actually cause roaches to appear in your kitchen sooner. If you have roaches in your home, they will likely be drawn to the smell of your food. To avoid this, be sure to store your food in sealed containers, put them in the fridge, and don’t leave out any food that might be enticing to roaches (like crumbs from your bread or pieces of candy).

If you want to take your kitchen roach prevention a step further, you can also consider investing in a food vacuum sealer. These handy devices make it easy to store food, keep it fresh, and prevent roaches from getting to it. If you have a food vacuum sealer, you can also seal up some of the food that you don’t plan to eat right away so roaches can’t get at it.


2. Use Cockroach Traps

Cockroach traps are one of the most effective ways to get rid of roaches in the kitchen. To use a cockroach trap, you just need to bait it with some food that roaches like (like peanut butter or chocolate) and then put it in a spot where roaches are likely to be. After a few hours, you can check the trap and dispose of the roaches. The good news is that these traps also catch spiders, so you can get rid of two pests at once. Cockroach traps are reusable and very easy to use. You can find them in many grocery and home improvement stores.

3. Sprinkle Borax Around the Kitchen

Borax is a natural insect killer that can be very effective against roaches. To use this method, just sprinkle borax where roaches are likely to be, such as around your kitchen counters and stove. You can also sprinkle some borax around your pantry and food storage areas to prevent roaches from getting into your food.

You might need to use this method a few times to completely eradicate your roach problem. Be sure to keep the areas where you put the borax clean so they don’t pose a hazard to you or your pets.

Use Professional Grade Roach Spray

Using a chemical-free roach spray can be an excellent way to kill roaches and prevent them from coming back again. If you frequently see roaches in your kitchen, it might be a good idea to use a roach spray on a regular basis to keep them away for good.

Before you buy a roach spray for your kitchen, make sure it’s strong enough to kill roaches. You want to choose a spray that contains cypermethrin or an equivalent ingredient. You should also spray the area behind your fridge and stove to make sure roaches don’t hide there.


Cockroaches can be a real pain to get rid of, but they are also relatively easy to deal with if you know what you’re doing. To tackle this problem, you need to take action as soon as you see a roach so they don’t have time to make themselves comfortable in your home.

To help you get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen faster, we’ve put together some excellent advice about how you can tackle this problem more effectively. The sooner you take action, the easier it will be for you to eliminate cockroaches from your home forever.


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