Treating Dry Dog Paws: If you’ve had a pampered pooch for as long as we have, you are no doubt familiar with the feeling of walking into your home after a long day and having their fur greet you with its signature doggy welcoming […]
Category: Animal
Factory farming is the growing of meat animals in confined and unnatural conditions. These factory farms keep animals under tight control, usually in massive warehouses that never allow the animals to graze on pasture. They’re also fed a constant supply of feed so they never have to forage for anything or worry about what they […]
Getting rid of Cockroaches in the kitchen might prove challenging. When you are the only person in your household that is afraid of creepy crawly things (like cockroaches), it can be tempting to just ignore those nasty little critters whenever they appear. But that’s not a good idea. Instead, you need to take action as […]
Is It Bad to Give a Cat Milk: (Introduction) People have been giving their cats milk for ages. And while many people still do, there are some who think it’s a bad idea. Why? Well, there’s nothing scientific behind this, but everyone seems to have an opinion on the matter. For example, you might know […]