
Highland High School 2024: Acceptance Rate, Admission, Tuition, Scholarship

Highland High School is known as one of the most selective high schools in the United States. Yet, despite its great reputation, only 1 percent of students are accepted to the school. Why? Because Highland has a strict admission policy that requires all applicants to provide a resume, interview, and essay.

Highland High School: Acceptance Rate, Admission, Tuition, Scholarship

Highland High School is a school that’s looking for new students. They have an acceptance rate of 95%. That’s great news for Highland, as it means that they’re able to accept more students than ever before. But what about the other schools in the area? Are they as successful as Highland?


About Highland High School

Highland High School is a public high school in Highland, California, United States. The school was founded in 1957 and is part of the Monterey County Unified School District.
Highland offers students a rigorous curriculum that prepares them for college and life after school. Athletic opportunities are abundant and include teams in both varsity and junior varsity sports, as well as the boys and girls golf teams.
The school is also known for its innovative program called the “Digital Learning Center.” This program allows students to use technology in various ways to learn about different subjects. Students can use tools like iPads, laptops, and flashcards to learn about science, math, English, history, etc. The Digital Learning Center also provides hands-on experience with technology for students who are struggling with traditional subject matter.


Highland high school houses about 1690 students from grades 9-12. They are top 50% in Utah for overall test scores. They also do not discriminate as about 42% of the school population are minority-majority of whom are Hispanics. It is located at, it is located at 2166 South 1700 East, next to Sugar House Park, Salt Lake City, in the U.S. state of Utah, and is part of the Salt Lake City School District.

The current principal is Jeremy Chatterton. Your best choice in education is the Salt Lake City School District. The schools are committed to the district’s vision of Excellence and Equity: every student, every classroom, every day. In keeping with this vision, the schools offer academically rigorous classes based on the Utah Core curriculum, hold high expectations for all students, respond to individual student needs, and provide a safe and healthy environment for student learning.


Highland High-school has a good Administrative and Teacher staff. I feel like I can always go to my teachers for anything. The diversity at the school is pretty poor, but that is to be expected when you live out in the country. The one thing I wish was better about the school or would like to see change is classes that really prepare you for being an adult. There isn’t a class that teaches students how to budget their money or how to save. I think a class or classes like these will better prepare us students for when we are living on our own.I love Highland, the teachers know their field. They are always available when I have questions. I play soccer in the fall and we had our best year because our coach is amazing.

A senior from Highland high school

The Highland high school has:

  • Average graduation rate: 92%: This is the percentage of 12th graders who graduated. Because states calculate graduation rates differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.
  • Percent Proficient reading;67%: This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state
  • Percent proficient mathematics; 47%: This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state math assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.
  • AP enrollment: 13%
  • Student-teacher ratio: 16:1
  • Average SAT: 1200
  • Average ACT: 24

Figure 1: Graph of Highland high school average test results.

Highland High School Reviews ranking 

1 The best school district for athletes 335 of 996
2 Best high school teachers 208 of 813

What are the admission requirements/ Application- highland high school reviews?

Applying to highland high school is very simple; send them a mail here, for application then replies to the mail you received if you are approved. Follow it up with the steps below.

Step 1

Determine the Child’s Eligibility: All children age 5 by August 15 and living within Salt Lake City are eligible for enrollment. The Florida Compulsory Attendance Law (TCA 49-6-3001), requires all children between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school and be on time for school and classes. Each child seeking to enroll in the school system must be a resident of Salt Lake City.

Step 2

Identify and Contact the School: Registration takes place at each school. Parents are asked to contact the school office to make an appointment for registration.

Step 3

The required documents are:

  1. An official birth certificate showing the student’s date of birth.
  2. Medical records.
  3. Immunization record.
  4. A photo ID is requested to identify the parent/guardian enrolling a child.
  5. At least two (2) documents establishing proof of residence are required:

Apply to highland high school, If accepted, you will receive a notice by email. You will need to reply to that email confirming your intent to attend Highland HighTo apply, check here

For the coming school year, students interested in enrolling in a Salt Lake City School District school who live outside the district or school boundaries may apply for an out-of-resident transfer during the Early Open Enrollment period, from December through mid-February the year before attending or the Late Open Enrollment Period April-July. Applications are available online.

Students may apply for enrollment in schools designated as “Open” to transfer. Selected schools and programs may be at capacity for the coming school year and not available as a choice for out-of-resident students.

Additionally, some schools, including charter schools, may require a separate application or lottery process.

These are the steps for admission in highland high school reviews.

How to register as a returning student at highland high school?

All students need to register in the FALL. Registration is online and in-person. The online portion, among other things, verifies enrollment information is correct and updates you on policies for the upcoming school year. Instructions for fall registration are sent out in July.

How Much Is Tuition and Expenses at Highland High School?

For the 2022/2023 academic session, the estimate of the tuition per year is around $7,500. Several fees are aggregated into this estimate.

Visit HERE to get the full breakdown of the tuition. However, there is room for a waiver as the state of Utah has proved the means to enable students from financially unstable backgrounds to be able to attend the school. Check the waiver HERE.


There is a fees waiver for students of Highland high school based on the school classifications. You can lower your tuition by applying for the waivers stated on the school website. Kindly read more about it from HERE

What is the Highland high school acceptance rate?

Your chances of gaining admission into one of the high schools in are Highland high school is high as their acceptance rate is 78%.

Frequently asked questions about Highland high school

Is highland high school a good school?

Yes. Statistics have shown them to have a very high graduation rate as well as top 50% average in *their proficiency test scores.

How do I register my student for school?

Apply to attend Highland High School here. If accepted, you will receive a notice by email. You will need to reply to that email confirming your intent to attend Highland High. Following that confirmation, please reach out to Heather Parry for enrollment:

How do I know whether I live within Highland’s, or even Salt Lake City School District, boundaries?

Check the Salt Lake City Regional map HERE

How many students are at Highland High School?


What is the difference between course selection and registration?

Course selection comes after you have completed your registration either as a fresh or returning student. This is where you pick the course you are to offer for the year. Registration is filling your studentship documents with the school.


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