
JAMB 2023: School that Accepts 140/150 Cut Off Mark

Current School that Accepts 140/150 JAMB Cut Off Mark 2022 in Nigeria | This is to inform the general public Especially the JAMB candidates that, The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), has released Current Universities that Accepts 140/150 JAMB Cut Off Mark 2023 in Nigeria, See more Detail Below;

The major problem faced my JAMB candidates now is low JAMB scores. Because of this, there are chances that many of them will fail to get admission into their schools of choice since many schools accepts 180 as their cut off mark.

For this reason, we have compiled the  full list of Top Schools that Accepts 150 JAMB Cut Off Mark Even When You did not choose them in JAMB CBT.


In these schools, you can apply and write for their post utme examination if you have art least 150 aggregate scores in JAMB CBT. Also, you are also eligible to write for their post utme examination even if you did not choose them as your institution of choice during your JAMB UTME registration.

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All you need is to watch-out when their post utme form will be released and apply immediately, follow up and sit for their post utme examination. If you perform well, you will get admission. By so doing, you don’t waste another year or writing another JAMB.


See the list here…

  1. Rivers State University (RSU)
  2. Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma)
  3. Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)
  4. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH)
  5. Ekiti State University (EKSU)
  6. Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu
  7. Kano University of Science & Technology Wudil (KUST)
  8. Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD)
  9. Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG) 140
  10. Gregory University, Uturu
  11. Lagos State University (LASU)
  12. Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)
  13. Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE)
  14. Plateau State University Bokkos (PLASU)
  15. Ignatius Aturu University Of Education (IAUE)
  16. Federal University Birnin-Kebbi. (FUBK) is 140
  17. Yobe State University, Damaturu (YSU)
  18. University of Calabar (UNICAL)

Remember to always purchase Post UTME Past Questions and prepare very well for the exam. You can’t afford to miss your admission again this year

We will continue to make contact with other schools and update this page accordingly. Feel free to bookmark this page for reference purpose.

If you have any question, ask them in the comments section below. I will answer them as soon as possible.

RECOMMENDEDList of Schools Whose Post UTME Forms are Out. and Past Question and Answer also JAMB Cut off Marks.



      1. Can i get admission into University of Port Harcourt with 141
        To study banking and financial

        1. Good morning sir I got 167 with that I can I gain admission in uniport in the department of business administration

      1. Please, I scored 153 in my 2021 jamb. And can I gain admission in OOU or Ekiti State University. To study Business education…

  1. Student that score 160 are allowed in Niger Delta University in 2018/2019 and can enter into any school

  2. Please what will I study with mathematics English economic and commerce with 178 and will oou accept me

    1. Precious pleas go to JAMB Brochure Under Accredited JAMB Brochure for University
      then u click Administration All what u want is there Bess on u subject ..thanks

  3. I scored 160, can I still study international relations at O.O.U ?
    Or better still, what other choice am I left with ? Please reply,09068257947

  4. Comment Text* I scored 179 in jamb can I get admission in ebony state university want to study


  5. and i choose oau as my 2nd choice i want to studies business administration,i have 172 as my jamb score,pls will dey accept me.

  6. I scored 163 in jamb
    can I gain admission
    in lasu,Lagos state uni
    registered as my 2nd choice
    my course is chemical and polymer engineering

  7. Comment Text*i score 170 in jamb can I be admitted into fuoye, or which university I can be admitted to

  8. I got 178 in my jamb pls can imt admit me
    Pls can I change imt to my first choice because its in second choice

  9. I score 159 in jamb and I want to study estate management please will I gain admission in rivers state university of science and technology?

  10. Comment Text*i scored 178 in my jamb and i choose osun state university,follow by laspotech do i ave to do change of institution in other to get anoda skul

  11. Comment Text*Rivers State University pegged her minimum cutoff mark at 180, and the post utme form is out.

  12. my scores is 151 i choose lasu as my first and second choice want to study business administration can i still meetup

    1. OBI NNAMDI yes go and do change of institution and also apply for the their Post UTME admission form…
      also advice to get pass question and answers from us to start prepare for their exams you can call us 07085595761

  13. Pls when is the form for Nigerian maritime University coming out. Plus what’s up with that school. Any info

  14. Plss I choose Plasu as my first choice…… I want to study Economic…… I got 164 in my jamb ….can I get admission this yr?

  15. Pingback: JAMB Cut-Off Marks for all Universities, Poly & Colleges 2019/2020 Admission - 9jafacts
  16. I will prepare myself more , cos last year I had 165 and I applied for Fudutsima but was not given admission. I hope if I can get 200 in Jamb this year, I will be admitted. Thanks bro

  17. Pingback: WOW Blog
  18. Pls I score 169 in jamb and I chose( taswed ) as first choice can I be given admission as biology student
    Pls contact me directly via WhatsApp @08102612946

  19. I scored 159, and i applied for hospitality and tourism management at fuoye. and i heard that the school only do online screening, so what should i do pls?

  20. I score 143 in jamb can I get admission in FULokoja or UUN enugu
    Or help me with any federal university in east studing engineering plz my number is 09038302339 sir

  21. I scored 170 in jamb and I want to study chemical engineering in lasu
    Can I gain admission plz.
    This my contact 08022538734.

  22. I repeated the same question timelessly and No response… I say again… Mr Godwin, I asked if I can get Admission into Uni Ilorin with the jamb 2020 results of 163 for French or linguistics.. Sir?

  23. I scored 151 cut off mark in my utme exam 2020, and the university that I choose doesn’t accept 151 cut off mark, and want to go university this year which federal university can accept my point? so that I may change my institution to that school.

  24. I have 147 in jamb which university or polytechnic can I go with computer Science this is my number 09120965900

  25. Can I get admission in fedpolynek with 147 to study medical technology laboratory science

  26. Can I gain admission in imo state with 147 to study medical labourtory an indegen of IMO state

  27. please can I still gain admission in any polytechnic or college of education I score 143 in jamb and I want to study public administration which polytechnic can I go or college.

  28. Am i qualify to write iree poly post Utme with 144 jamb score to study Electrical/Electronic Engineering

  29. Comment Text*pls I scored 157 in this year’s jamb
    and the my first and second choice doesn’t accept that pls which University can I go for

  30. Pls I scored 147 Can I get admission into Anambra state university uli to study electrical engineering

  31. Please sir i got 147 in jamb can i get admission in the bauchi state university with second choice to study political science?

  32. Please sir i got 147 in jamb can i get admission in bauchi state university with second choice to study political science?

  33. Kuza Hosea Kaki l score 149, can they offer to me admission into university of bauchi state?

  34. Comment Text* i scored 154 in Jamb and i want to study medicine and sugery, please will i gain admission into ABIA STATE POLYTECHNIC OR ANY OTHER POLY

  35. I score 155 and i did change of institution
    to unical as my first choice for electrical
    electronic engineer.
    Will i be admitted…?

  36. Sir pls help me is urgent I scored 151 in jamb I’m I legible to apply for aptitude test form,from futo, imsu and Alvan pls help me

  37. Please I scored 156 in jamb and my first choice is law but my second choice is public administration can I get admission?

  38. My name is Chukwuemeka l scored 149 in Jamb can they offer me admission into any state or Federal university please?

  39. My name is abasiodiong silas ,I scored 158 in jamb. Please can the offer me admission for theater art in uniuyo or absu?

  40. I got i 151 in jamb and i choose lautech but lautech cutoff mark is 160,but you said their cutoff mark is 150 sir…can you explain to me and can i apply for their post utme?

  41. Pls what course can I study with 158 jamb score and the subject combination of economics government and literature pls it’s really urgent

  42. Please sir I got 153 and I want to go for business administration in FUNAI, are there chances of me getting admission into the school?

      1. My cousin scored 149 in jamb and is asking if she can gain admission and What school accept 140 in jamb this year

  43. I scored 196 during my jamb exercise looking for admission into UDUS to study Nursing but my admission wasn’t approved, what do I do now?

  44. Please I scored 157 can I use it and enter unversity without writing post utme am studying business administration

  45. Sir can I gain admission into Ignatius ajuru university with 154 in jamb to study marketing 2022/23 plz

  46. Please sir can I get admission in Abia state university uturu to study political science or Mass communication with the score of 157 as jamb score

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