
JAMB 2023: Schools that Accepts 160/170 Cut Off Mark

Full List Of Universities That Accepts | Some universities that accepts 160/170 jamb cut off mark for this year’s 2023 admission. Although the official cut off mark is 180 for universities, many schools have different cut off marks. Full List Of School that Accepts 160 Cut -Off Mark.

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The major problem faced by 2022/2023 JAMB candidates now is low scores. Because of this, their chances that many of then will fail to get admissions into their school of choice since many schools accept 160/170 as their cut off mark.

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For this reason, we have compiled the list of top schools that accept from 160 JAMB cut off marks {although 150 can also be accepted depending on your O’LEVEL grades} even when you did not choose them in JAMB CBT.
In these schools, you can apply and write their post UTME examination he you have atleast 160 {150 may be considered} aggregate scores in JAMB CBT. Also you are eligible to seat for their UTME examination even if you did not choose them as your institution during JAMB registration.

List of public university accepting 160 for 2023 session

list of public university accepting 160 for 2023 session

All you need to do is to watch out when their post UTME form will be release and apply immediately , follow up and seat for their post UTME examination. If you perform well, you will get admission. By so doing, you don’t wast another year writting JAMB.

list of school that accept 160 for there cut off mark

These are the universities that accepts 160/170 jamb cut off mark.

  1. Delta State University (NDU)
  2. Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH)
  3. Federal University Gusau, (FUGUS)
  4. Federal University Birnin-Kebbi. (FUBK)
  5. Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State (FUOYE)
  6. Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State (FUWukari)
  7. Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa (FUOtuoke)
  8. Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina (FUDutsinma
  9. Federal University, Lafia, Nasarawa State (FULafia) 170
  10. Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi (FUAM) 170
  11. Federal University Dutse, (FUDutse)
  12. Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State (FUKashere)
  13. Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU)
  14. Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU)
  15. Adamawa State University Mubi (ADSU)
  16. Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma 170
  17. Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (EBSU)
  18. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
  19. Bauchi State University, Gadau (BASUG)
  20. Cross River University of Technology, CRUTECH
  21. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University ,(COOU) 170
  22. Delta State University, Abraka, (DELSU) 170
  23. Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH)
  24. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (UNIZIK)
  25. University of Calabar (UNICAL)
  26. Ekiti State University (EKSU)
  27. Kebbi State University, Kebbi (KSUSTA)
  28. Kaduna State University kaduna (KASU) 170
  29. Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu (ESUT) 170
  30. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)
  31. Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu
  32. Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE)
  33. Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD)
  34. Gregory University, Uturu
  35. Gombe State Univeristy Gombe (GSU)
  36. University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID)
  37. University of Calabar (UNICAL)
  38. Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, Katsina (UMYU)
  39. Gombe State Univeristy , Gombe (GSU)
  40. Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)
  41. Osun State University (UNIOSUN) for First choice
  42. Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE)
  43. Plateau State University Bokkos (PLASU)
  44. Ignatius Aturu University Of Education (IAUE)
  45. Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU)
  46. Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU)
  47. Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (AAU)
  48. Northwest University, Kano (NWU)
  49. Northwest University, Kano (NWU)
  50. Nasarawa State University, Keffi, NSUK
  51. Kogi State University  Anyigba, (KSU) 170
  52. Kaduna State University kaduna (KASU) 170

The ball is now in your court, play it wisely, Goodluck!

Also, I will advice you to bookmark to this page or subscribe to our update so that you will be notified once we update this page. check: Universities that Accept 120 Cut-Off Mark in NigerianIn this case, We will continue to update this page once we find any other universities that accepts 160 jamb cut off mark for this year’s admission.

See also: School that Accepts 150 JAMB Cut Off Mark 2021 and  School that Accepts 180 JAMB Cut Off Mark 2021




      1. Sir please I score 166,will Benue state university offer me international relations and name is benedict

      1. Pls which university accept 163 for business admin ,I choose unilorin as my first choice then kwasu as second choice.

        My number 08060730792

  2. Pls Mr Godwin ,I Google search about Lasu and Lautech and it was pasted on their timeline that their utme cutoff mark is 180…pls sir is there any other university you sure of that accept 168pls

    1. Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU)
      Mr.Darasimi thank you for your Question… am I very Sure of These Ones

      Federal University Otuoke (FUOTUOKE)
      Plateau State University Bokkos (PLASU)
      Ignatius Aturu University Of Education (IAUE)
      Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU)
      Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU)
      Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (AAU)

  3. 179 was my score
    My first choice was unilag
    Second was lasu
    My course GEOLOGY
    Please can it work out for me

  4. Comment Text*pls sir l scored 168 in jamb and l put oou as my first choice and l just checked that their cut off mark is 180

  5. but hw cn we apply for thier post-utme wit 177 in 2018 jamb, secondly OOU is nt one of my choices during the registration, pls help me dis my number 09035581398

      1. Good evening sir/ma, I score 172, my first choice was unijos and second was Ebonyi state University, my course is MLS can it work out for me

  6. which university accept 160 as their cut off mark for engineering??
    pls urgent reply………thanks

  7. Comment Text* Sir my first choice is FUTminna & second choice is Oye Ekiti to study microbiology which university wil accept 172

          1. Pls sir can I study public admistration in uyo university and it myfirst choice .pls help I need you answer ugently

  8. Please sir I got 177 for my jamb score, and my first choice is fcetasaba can I gain admission to study education

  9. plz i score 175 but i dnt knw the uni that aprove atleast 170 for their cut off mark in south south,either state or federal, plz i want to knw if phone number is 07062099447

    1. Abasiama All hop is not lost go to Akwa Ibom State university which is 160 is their Cut off mark….but if u did not chose there I will Advise u to do change of Institution….the Guide is here and also make sure u prepare well for UTME Exams Ok!

  10. hello sir i got 168 in jamb and poly nass was my 3rd choice will i be admitted
    and again please what is the subject combo for mass comm. mine is ENG, LIT, CRK, & GOVT.
    Hope am good to go.

    1. best obinna yes u will be admitted some poly is 150
      then go to search in this web and search for (JAMB UTME Subject Combinations Guide 2018) it will come out..then u read the guide Ok

      1. I sir I got 166 which school can I study computer science pls this is my number

  11. Comment Text*I got 168 in my jamb plz sir is there any unversity that aceept 160 in the north-east plz

    1. Andi… U may not just visit TSU UTME/ Departmental Cut off Marks all what u need is there
      Read this step-by-step guide on how to change your Course/Institution here…

  12. Please sir, do federal university of nassarawa accept lower credit for direct Entry candidate, cos my CGPA is 3.40 and am a diploma student

  13. Sir please have been checking on various sites and have been seen various answers, what the real cut of mark for AAU

  14. AAU Cut off mark not 175 again? I score 172 I apply for uniben b4 I change it to AAU first choice but I heard people saying is 175 I really loose hope I don’t know if I can still do change of institute am really confused need it advice bro

  15. Please Sir can I gain admission to kogi State university with jamb scored 160 to study lib Nd information or agriculture and educational course

  16. Please sir,I got 173 in my jamb score and I want to study pharmacy,will esut accept me.

      1. Please I score 163 and I want to go for law, please which school can give me admission 08156195711

  17. Using science subject in weac to study business admin nd I score 171 in jamb to study in Eksu can it work pls I need reply

  18. I got 169 in my jamb and i choose funaab and eksu for agricultural extension can i get admitted please sir

  19. My score is 173 my choice is info tech and economics is there any university Will admit me for that choices

  20. sir pls i scored 170 nd imsu is my first choice pls can it work all hope is lost help me out dis mai number 09044725041

      1. Pls,i got 178 in jamb,and my first choice is unilorin,second is oou,pls can i go for medicine and surgery or is there any course that i can study with subject combination of che,phys,bio,and English.

  21. Pls,i got 178 in jamb,and my first choice is unilorin,second is oou,pls can i go for medicine and surgery or is there any course that i can study with subject combination of che,phys,bio,and English.

  22. Pls i got 163 will Uni Ilorin give me Admission and my course is inguistics or French..

  23. Pls sir i score 173 in jamb pls can fubk or fukashere accept me? I want to study history and int’nal studies

  24. Comment Text*my jamb cut off mark is177 can I study nursing and gain admission to u ilorin or ladoke University

    1. Ufedo.. By God Grace U get admission.. Obtain KSU past Question and Answers for ur preparation for ur exams Call us.. 07034920650 or whatsapp

  25. I scored 177 and my first choice was Rivers State University of science and Technology

  26. I have 166 my first choice is uniport, can they accept me please I need help dis is my number 08134531258

  27. Hi sir or madam please I need your help I scored 164 in my jamb what course can I study with it and which institution sir

    1. pls sir I score 177 in jamb ,and I choose nursing in oou ,as my first choice institution ,will I be admitted with my preferred course I need help this is my number

  28. I got 176 in my jamb score and I want to study masscom in Delta state university, will I be admitted

    1. I sir I got 166 which school can I study computer science pls this is my number

  29. I got 167 in jamb and i want to do accounting 1st choice OAU second choice LAUTech pls what should I do

  30. I got 167 in jamb and i want to do accounting 1st choice OAU second choice LAUTech pls what should I do

  31. Plz I got 162 in jamb, and I want to study nursing,I choose delsu as my first choice will I be admitted?and allowed to study nursing

  32. Comment text* sir, I am deaf. With my 162 scores, can ekiti uni accept?

    If so, and there is no interpeter for me, what can I do?

  33. I got 170 in my jamb exam and I choose mass communication and UST as my first choice pls will I be admitted

  34. I got 170 in my jamb exam and I choose mass communication and UST as my first choice pls will I be admitted

  35. Please I score 168 in my jamb and I want to study nursing science or hospital management. And I checked online for the cut of marks and its 270. Is there any other schools I can change to?

  36. Please I got 158 can I get admission to study computer science or electrical engineering

  37. Plsss
    U guys should hold me out
    I got 177 in my jamb, will unizik offer me admission to study computer science

  38. Pls I choose kwasu as my second choice and I scored 163 with they allow me??? And unilorin as my first choice

    This is my number

  39. Pls i scored 160 in my jamb which curse can i study in FEDRAL UNIVERSITY OYE-EKITI (FUOYE) with it am a science student? Pls you can call or message me on this line 07062159558 thanks.

  40. Hello, good evening sir I by name ogaji Ibrahim ibaku 2022 UTME I get 149 and I what to study Accounting in state University of keffi will they offer me the admission

    Pls sir reply me
    Here’s my phone number 08120986351

  41. Pls I score 165 in jamb do I still have hope in admission. Pls I need answers here is my number 09154411800

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